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Almost as soon as the voice of the deer in the forest fell, a huge black shadow like a mountain in the distance approached the group of corpses.

At the moment when the edge of the black shadow came into contact with the group of corpses, the bodies of countless zombies twisted and were all absorbed by the black shadow.

Like the previous zombie birds and mutated birds, they are being swallowed by the shadows.

The black shadows are still approaching, and the groups of corpses are dissolving little by little. Everything is like a special effect scene in a movie.

Everyone in the convoy froze completely, looking at this scene in horror, forced to be unable to move due to the strong mental pressure.

Lin Konglu held the scepter, his face turned slightly pale because he was constantly consuming his mental energy, but he still increased the power to cover it, gritted his teeth and said: "Quickly go!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Ci took the lead in starting the car, stepped on the accelerator with a stern expression, passed through the shadows of corpses, and rushed forward.

Soon the people in other cars also reacted, restrained their strong mental panic, turned the steering wheel with trembling hands, and followed closely.

It's not that they have poor mental endurance, but that the blood moon above their heads and the black shadow in the distance are exuding powerful spiritual infections and attacks all the time.

If it weren't for Lin Konglu's spiritual shield, they might have already degenerated or turned into zombies at this moment.

"Look, do you think that black shadow looks a bit like the abdomen and legs of an insect?" Someone said with a pale face when he saw the approaching black shadow through the rearview mirror.

"More like an octopus's tentacles."

"The bug pattern with three tentacles, yes, the bug with three tentacles has these kind of legs. It is, it is devouring these zombies and turning them into a part of itself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man's eyes suddenly stared like bells, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and his expression was in pain, as if he was suffering a powerful invisible attack, and he convulsed and lost consciousness after a while.

"Team Zhang, Lao Zhang!"

His teammates shouted hurriedly. After two minutes, their expressions gradually became stiff and finally turned into pain.

"Old Zhang, he's dead."

"Don't look at the blood moon, don't look at the black shadow, let alone him." Jiang Ci picked up the walkie-talkie and conveyed his calm voice to other vehicles.

Everyone immediately didn't dare to make a sound or look back. The people in charge of driving all tensed up, stepped on the accelerator almost to the bottom, and drove as hard as they could.

Some people even closed their eyes tightly, silently praying in their hearts that the black shadow would not be so fast, and that they should get rid of it quickly, get rid of it quickly.

After a while, someone in the car suddenly mutated into a zombie, and the companions had to deal with it painfully.

"Don't think about Him in your heart. Let everyone clear their minds and think about other things. Don't be affected by His spirit." This time it was Lin Konglu's voice coming from the intercom.

No explanation is needed, everyone understands at this moment that Black Shadow is an evil god and Blood Moon is also an evil god.

He is awake, so big, so powerful.

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