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Wuwang City?

Hearing this term, Lin Konglu frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and finally remembered -

When Jiang Ci had red eyes before, he had told him that there were five fragments in total. In addition to the one he and Jiang Ci had in their hands at that time, there was another at the central base, the organization had two, and the remaining one was in Wuwang City.

But according to the meaning of this sentence, Wuwang City and that organization should not be the same place... at least not the same force. Fu Rongxin said that the organization's stronghold is in Wuwang City. Is it a coincidence or...

Lin Konglu's eyes flashed, and he suddenly increased his mental pressure and asked coldly: "You didn't lie?"

Fu Rongxin vomited another mouthful of blood. His body was weak and trembling, and his eyes began to wander.

"No, no, it's in...Wuwang City." He answered with difficulty, his teeth chattering and rattling uncontrollably.

A doctor who rushed over stood at the door. When he saw this situation, he knew that he had suffered severe mental trauma and had a neurological disorder in his brain.

He hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly: "We can't interrogate him any more. If we continue the interrogation, Mr. Fu... he might lose his mind and become a fool."

He came late and didn't know exactly what was found in the trial. He only reminded Fu Rongxin that he was a professor after all.

Unexpectedly, General Shao and Major Chen didn't react at all. Instead, they looked coldly at Fu Rongxin, who was fidgeting with his hands and feet.

Lin Konglu finished all the questions he needed to ask. He retracted the thin thread with an expressionless face. With a twist of his wrist, the scepter drew a silver glow in the air and instantly became the size of a carrot.

He pinched the carrot and put his hand in his pocket. When he turned around, he saw General Shao and Major Chen also there. He was a little surprised, but he thought it was just right.

"Now it can be proven that Jiang Rong's parasitism has nothing to do with Jiang Ci, right?" He said calmly, "Actually, if you keep the branches and leaves on Jiang Rong's side, you can compare them. They should be different from Jiang Ci's leaves."

Jiang Ci's branches and leaves are quite rare. At least Lin Konglu has never seen a tree with similar leaves.

"Also, Jiang Ci was also framed this time. Someone sprayed a special aerosol on him, forcing him to lose control and degenerate. What happened today at the Research Institute was an accident and could have been avoided. As for the aerosol, people… …"

Lin Konglu turned to look at Fu Rongxin, who was sitting on the hospital bed with his eyes slightly distracted and not yet fully recovered. He smiled and said, "That's Professor Fu."

Fu Rongxin's eyes were slightly shocked, and he finally came back to his senses.

He couldn't remember what happened just now and subconsciously denied it: "Kid, what are you talking about? I really don't understand. Just now..."

"You just explained everything." Major Chen suddenly raised his cell phone and played the video he had just recorded to him with a sullen face.

"I brought the black threadworm into the base... My superiors asked me to transform Jiang Ci. He is an excellent experimental subject... We have cracked the broken page a long time ago and deliberately guided you to crack it. First, we have only cracked the central base before. Zhang, I also entered what was recorded in the one in Shen Yao's hand; the second is to prepare for subsequent cracking.

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