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Jiang Ci suddenly picked up the rabbit with one hand and asked him to take out the last fragment of paper that Lin Konglu had copied from the space door, and handed it to Zhou Yi, saying, "I might have to trouble you to fly again and take it." Send this to the central base."

When Shen Huo saw this, he looked thoughtful: It turns out that Xiaolu was right. Monsters can also get along well with humans, and monsters are also very useful.

For example, if there were a few of the messenger birds in front of me in Wuwang City, wouldn't it be much more convenient to contact Xiaolu's Dawn Base in the future?

After all, the communication between the gates between the cities has not been restored yet.

"Ah, you still want to fly?" Zhou Yi was dumbfounded when he heard this. He had been flying so hard these days that his feathers were almost bald.

Jiang Ci held the cub with one hand, nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Lin Konglu copied a total of two copies of this last fragment. When Shen Huo sent people to the central base, Jiang Ci asked them to bring one copy.

But to prevent any accidents in the process, the first batch could not be delivered, so I wanted Zhou Yi to help deliver it again to improve the success rate.

Only then did Zhou Yi pay attention to the baby in his arms and said in surprise: "Captain Jiang, this child..."

Jiang Ci's expression suddenly became gentle, and his tone was slightly raised: "My son."

Zhou Yi: "Hiss."

Captain Jiang actually has a child with someone else. Did Brother Xiaolu not kick him?

Jiang Ci couldn't tell him that the child was his and Lin Konglu's, but he was worried that the people Shen Huo had sent out before would not be able to reach the Central Base and Shuguang Base smoothly... Well, he just wanted to tell his grandfather, cousin, and father-in-law quickly. Mother-in-law, he and Xiaolu’s child was born.

He is as calm as Jiang Ci, but occasionally he can't help but want to show off.

After thinking about it, he decided to go behind Lin Konglu's back and quietly tell Zhou Yi the situation. When he went to the Central Base and Shuguang Base, he also told the Jiang family and Song Jinzhou couple about the current situation between him and Lin Konglu, so that the family could feel at ease. .

Zhou Yi was obviously shocked by this information. When he flapped his wings and flew away from Wuwang City, he almost hit a tree outside the city.

Jiang Ci: "..." Is this guy really reliable?

Shen Huo also thought thoughtfully: It seems that the messenger bird that maintains human sanity also needs standardized management. This one is obviously unprofessional. Some professionals should be recruited, and perhaps an apocalyptic logistics company can be established.


Another week later, Lin Konglu's body had recovered to some extent, but Zaizai was still young, and neither he nor Jiang Ci could bear to run around with him.

In addition, the work of deciphering the remaining pages was progressing slowly. At Shen Huo's invitation, the two decided to continue to live in Wuwang City temporarily.

More than half a month later, Song Jinzhou and his wife, who received the news, came to Wuwang City together with the people who reported the news.

As soon as the two arrived, they scolded Song Yunwei for not taking good care of his younger brother, and then they hugged Zaizai and couldn't put it down.

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