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The ceremony was held in the square outside the Central Temple. When Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci arrived, nearly a hundred people were already standing in the square.

Eight white stone pillars stand symmetrically on both sides of the square. The musical fountain in the center is slowly filled with water. In the fountain stands a white statue of an angel spreading its wings.

The silent people lined up neatly and stood in front of the statue with pious and solemn expressions.

If Lin Konglu hadn't seen the abnormal features on these people, he might have thought this scene was sacred and solemn.

But looking at these humans whose body parts had turned into monsters, he felt shocked in his heart.

Before coming, he thought that the so-called baptism ceremony would most likely be a brainwashing ceremony for Shen Luo to turn people into puppets of his own beliefs. But looking at the scene in front of him, he was surprised to find that these people who were about to be baptized were all people who were about to undergo or were undergoing mutation.

Why are there so many people in Wuwang City who are about to mutate?

The Shuguang Base is because the organization conducts Gu cultivation experiments there, the Central Base is secretly promoted by Fu Rongxin, and Wuwang City...

Yes, the organization once had an experimental base in Wuwang City, and they were stationed here before. Those people have even interfered with Shuguang Base and Central Base, which are further away than this. How can they not bring trouble to Wuwang City, which is closer to them?

Therefore, Shen Huo's baptism ceremony was actually...

Lin Konglu clearly remembered that on the day he first arrived in Wuwang City, he did not see any monster-like humans in the city. Obviously, Wuwu City is not a base where monsters and humans coexist. Where have those monster-like humans gone?

Just as he was secretly guessing, Shen Huo, wearing a pure white robe, slowly walked out of the central main hall, his whole body seemed to be enveloped in a layer of soft holy light.

Meng Yichuan and Yang Tianning, as envoys, stood respectfully behind him, followed by Song Yunwei.

Seeing Lin Konglu and the others, Song Yunwei immediately winked at them.

Lin Konglu wanted to look back at him, but Shen Huo suddenly looked this way, so he had to pretend as if nothing had happened.

Seeing that he was here, Shen Huo seemed a little surprised. He turned to look at Meng Yichuan and frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

When the people waiting in line saw Shen Huo's appearance, their eyes suddenly became enthusiastic and they looked towards him eagerly. They clasped their hands together and kept chanting: "Praise God, praise God!"

"Save me, Almighty God, save me quickly..."

Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci also stood on the high platform at this time, and stood quietly next to Song Yunwei, planning to find an opportunity to communicate.

Meng Yichuan turned around, glanced at them coldly, and suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Please ask the Holy Son, the Holy Husband, and... this Mr. Song to come to the stage to be baptized and receive God's blessings."

Lin Konglu froze and turned to look at him, feeling baffled.

That's it for Jiang Ci and Song Yunwei. He has been "brainwashed" and is considered a devout believer, not a heretic. Why does this person still dislike him?

Shen Huo didn't say anything.

Lin Konglu secretly poked Shen Huo with his scepter, and when Shen Huo turned around, he showed an innocent smile.

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