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Just as Jiang Ci and Lin Konglu left, another zombie groped out from behind the bookshelf in the study.

He shuffled towards the tall and thin bodyguard who fell on the ground with clear purpose.

The tall and thin bodyguard woke up from the severe pain, and his blurred vision saw a pair of thin, twisted legs. The owner of the leg dragged him in front of him, squatted down, and looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

The tall and thin bodyguard was startled. After his vision became clear, he moved back in a panic and said in disbelief: "You, you are from Lantau Island...you weren't eaten?"

The zombie in front of him turned out to be one of the monsters he had trapped on Lantau Island, a companion of He Yang and others.

The tall and thin bodyguard rolled and crawled, trying desperately to escape, but the next moment, the zombie stretched out its sharp claws, grabbed his neck, and dug its dark brown fingers stained with blood into his neck inch by inch.

"No, no..." The tall and thin bodyguard's pupils shrank suddenly.

He was caught, and his blood was also the blood of zombies, so he would be infected!

The bodyguard's expression was twisted with fear.

But in fact, he couldn't wait for the moment of mutation. The zombie used its five fingers to cut off his breath, and made a "ho-ho" sound in its throat: "Go...die!"

Then wait quietly, and at the moment when the bodyguard's body mutates into a zombie, he adds another claw to kill the bodyguard completely.

Obviously, this is a mutated zombie. When Jiang Ci was dealing with other zombies, he had been resisting the urge to rush out and surrender, and he also tried hard to stay awake and not be controlled by the old monster Qin.

Jiang Ci noticed the zombie, but seeing that he was intelligent and not controlled by the old monster Qin, he ignored it.

In the eyes of Jiang Ci, who has red eyes, zombies are the same kind. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke them, he usually doesn't bother to deal with them.


When Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci left the Qin family's main residence, they noticed something was wrong at the base.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from the distant street, and people kept shouting in panic:

"Quickly, all the awakened ones go to the city wall."

"Where's Mr. Qin?"

"I don't know, maybe someone is looking for me at Yushuiwan Villa."

The footsteps were also heading towards the city wall.

Lin Konglu was held in Jiang Ci's arms, and he was busy tugging on Jiang Ci's ears. He didn't use much force, but it was more like touching.

Jiang Ci narrowed his red eyes, knowingly led him through several streets, and caught an awakened person who was rushing towards the city wall.

"What's going on? In such a hurry in the middle of the night?" Lin Konglu asked.

The man looked at them strangely and said quickly: "Are you new to the base? There is a zombie wave attacking the city. Hurry, the awakened ones will come with us to resist it. If not, just hide quickly."

He looked anxious and left quickly after speaking.

Jiang Ci and Lin Konglu looked at each other, and Lin Konglu pinched his ears again, like turning a steering wheel, and said, "Quick, let's go find the old monster. He must be controlling the zombies to attack the city and want to take advantage of the chaos to escape."

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