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Although many people are still doubtful, but as the system said, the spiritual influence of the pattern will make everyone gradually believe in Lin Konglu.

Although it won't have any obvious effect if these people stare at it with their eyes wide open at the moment, as they look at the pattern more often and over time, the effect will appear.

When they find that their degradation has really slowed down or even improved, they will be more convinced of Lin Konglu.

And the more people who believe in and follow him...

Lin Konglu lowered his head and looked at the scepter that had shrunk into a carrot.

Sure enough, another thin crack appeared on the surface of the carrot.

If, like last time, cracks and peeling skin meant an upgrade, then he was right. The more people who believe in and follow him, the stronger the power of the carrot will be.

The last upgrade was probably due to the carrot pattern being engraved on Shen Yao. It may be that Shen Yao is so powerful that just having one believer following him is enough to upgrade the carrot from wood to copper.

Therefore, the strength of believers is also a measure.

Lin Konglu felt that he and the so-called evil god were in a tug of war, with him on one end and the evil god on the other.

As long as he pulls more and more people who are about to fall away from the evil god, he will become stronger.

The stronger he is, the more capable he is of helping the male protagonist become a god and complete the system's tasks.

This is a virtuous cycle, it just takes time to confirm.

After thinking about this, Lin Konglu put away the carrots with satisfaction, turned around and asked He Yang, who was still stunned: "Now that the problem of degeneration has been half solved, do you have any other concerns?"

"You..." He Yang said with difficulty.

Lin Konglu motioned her to go to a secluded corner to talk in detail. After all, it was not appropriate to talk about this matter in front of too many people. Of course, Jiang Ci also followed.

After Lin Konglu stood still, he turned to look at He Yang and said seriously: "I think the Shuguang Base is very big and can accommodate humans, awakened people, and monster-shaped humans."

When He Yang heard that he still called people like him human beings, his expression was slightly moved, and his heart felt sour.

Lin Konglu continued: "If ordinary people are really worried, we can implement a zoning system. For example, Dongcheng District will house ordinary humans, and Xicheng District will house monster-shaped humans. Awakened people can do whatever they want, and there will be a buffer zone in the middle for people who are willing to mix. Inhabited by ordinary humans and monster-like humans.

"Professor Gu Fuming, who studies virology, is still at the base. I asked him to see if he could develop a degradation classification standard and testing standard. Only after monster-shaped humans have been tested and their degradation level is within the safety standard can they enter ordinary people's residential areas. In this way, people in ordinary areas can feel more at ease.

"Of course, this is just a rough idea. The specifics will depend on the opinions of most people and whether Professor Gu can develop such a testing method and classification standards. What do you think?"

Finally, he specifically asked the former base leader what he thought, hoping to get support.

He Yang never thought she could stay in the base. Although she couldn't let go here, many people were afraid of them becoming monsters. This was inevitable.

She has no worries and only has one younger brother to depend on, so she can be tolerant.

But many of her companions who followed her still had family members staying at the base. If this idea really succeeds, then...at least those people can live in mixed zones with their families from now on.

She gritted her teeth, her tone suddenly firm, and asked, "Have you really decided to do this?"

"Of course." Lin Konglu nodded, "But the purpose is just a general framework. How to implement it needs to be discussed in detail."

Hearing this, He Yang looked at him with more respect than before. She clenched her hands tightly, as if she was making up her mind, and finally said, "Okay, don't worry, I'll tell everyone about this, and I'll definitely find a way..."

"Ahem." Lin Konglu interrupted, knowing that she had good intentions, but still said: "If you think it is feasible, let me announce and implement it."

He Yang is a human being who has turned into a monster. Some people may think that she is doing this out of selfish motives.

But Lin Konglu is different. He is a human being, although... he actually has selfish motives.

He turned to look at Jiang Ci, who was standing next to him as a bodyguard, and quickly looked back, continuing: "It's not appropriate to announce this matter right away. Let's wait until we have discussed the plan. By the way, you are relatively familiar with the affairs of the base. , you need to worry more about the aftermath."

Neither of them said it clearly, but the question of who would lead the base was already tacitly accepted.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Konglu could just make the ordinary people in the base realize that He Yang and the others were not that scary.

Things will go well if things go slowly. With these preparations, if he wants to change the base later, the resistance will be smaller.

He Yang understood his intention, and when he left, he bowed deeply to him to show respect.

Lin Konglu: "..." Will the influence of the carrot mark be too great?

This is too respectful.

In fact, even if there was no carrot seal, He Yang would probably thank him this way. After all, this is a big favor.

It's just that Lin Konglu also had selfish motives, so he didn't think it was a favor.
Ynh sour in his heart.

The baby was only focused on helping those monsters solve their problems, and seemed to have forgotten that he was still standing next to them.

Seeing him staring at He Yang's back, Lin Konglu blinked his beautiful eyes and waved in front of him.

"Isn't the mermaid pretty?" he asked deliberately, without even noticing the subtlety in his tone.

Jiang Ci looked away, looked at him with red eyes, and said in a serious tone, "You are the most beautiful."

"..." Lin Konglu suddenly blushed.

He coughed hurriedly and said, "Let's talk about the serious stuff first."

Jiang Ci: "?"

Isn't what he said serious?

"I want to prick you with a thin thread, okay?" Lin Konglu took out the carrot again and asked with a wink.

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