Up the rabbit hole

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Destiny's pov

"Have you ever pondered the possibility of another world's existence? One beyond the stars where we are being watched over..."

Afomia said as she held her knees to her face looking up at the night sky full of stars at our secret spot; a secluded cliff overlooking the city's bright lights.

"Even if I did Afomia, it's not like imagining ourselves there will get us out of here..."

I sighed placing my head on my best friend's shoulder

"I love that I'm free in my mind at least; to imagine what I please." Afomia pointed to the side of her head

"Can you believe some are prisoners of their imagination?" a hopeless sigh left my lips

"Everyone likes to be delulu sometimes, why can't we just run wild in delusion for once?"

"Because it builds up unrealistic expectations?" I stressed

"Come on Des, let's have one night of an imaginary POV and I'll drop it forever, what do you say?" Afomia begged

"Fine, just for a little while because we have work tomorrow"

"Ugh always so responsible" Afomia teased "Anyway, I feel like I've imagined myself so many times in a different timeline or frame but you haven't. So let's focus on you tonight, shall we?"

"Anything to get you to shut up about it" I threw my hands in the air, surrendering myself to my best friend

Afomia took in a deep breath as she closed her eyes and began to focus"Okay so I brought candles to put in a circle around us and I'm putting my grandma's amulet on you"

"Are we also going to summon spirits?" I remarked

This girl and her ideas I swear...

Afomia took her hand and stood in the middle of the circle she made, she looked up at me with the widest smile "Destiny will find her destiny"

"I hate when people make jokes about my name please don't start..." I snapped, letting go of her hands

"No, I wasn't making fun of you. This is the request I'm making. It's kind of like a manifestation method but you should say it out loud and repeat with me"

I sighed critically even though I couldn't deny feeling a strong presence behind this. Something bigger than us both... Something bone-chilling and exciting all at once.

I went on to do as my friend asked, our voices got louder, our heartbeats faster and our will stronger until suddenly the amulet shone a white light; so bright we let go of each other's hands to cover our eyes.

"AFOMIA" I screamed amid a grand hurricane that engulfed me "WHAT IS HAPPENING?"

"Hold on tight!" She shouted back from beyond the blizzard

My stomach twisted and turned with every round of wind this blizzard took around me, I felt my feet elevate from the once sound stable ground



where the hell was I going?

Author's note: hello fellow readers!
I'm beyond excited to share this story than I literally wrote in my senior year amidst all the school work, it was my getaway.

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