30, flirty and thriving

8 1 0

Artemis's POV

Like a strike of thunder, I dropped off the one thing I was worried most to tell Destiny. Her reaction was rather alarming... too quiet, she simply stood in her place and stared into the void.


I shook her shoulder

Celeste:" Why don't you let me talk to her

Cae:" How genius of a proposition ..." 

Mine and Celeste's eyes darted to Cae, from over Destiny's head, with my lips I sounded the words [I'll deal with you later]

"Destiny! Say something..." I pleaded

"When was this..?"

"Before I knew of your existence before you came up here" with My handheld to my heart

I wanted her to believe me with all mighty things. I needed her to think well of me, where I may have never given a damn about anyone else's opinion of me, hers took a stance. The only one that mattered to me.


"I'll tell you everything if u wish to hear it" 

She looked away from me, I truly wished death upon myself with that look.

Celeste: why don't we all sit down and you'll hear everything from everyone?

Destiny nodded, swaying her eyesight as far from me as possible; she was revolted by me, and even flinched when I tried to hold her hand

"I... felt something was off..." Destiny expressed, with a crack in her voice

My eyes traveled to Celeste, imploring her to explain

Celeste:" We were never in love, Destiny. It was arranged by our mothers"

Cae gave her a side glance, low-key not convinced

"So.. what broke it off?"

She still won't look at me...

"Please Des... don't look away from me like that. It's killing me"

Destiny's pov

I didn't have the right to be hurt by Artemis's past relationships, especially when I kept convincing myself that I did not care for him, but the way he begged me to look at him... how brittle his voice got.

I guess what took me by surprise was how the mere thought affected me a great deal. I could no longer escape my feelings for Artemis or this bond drawing me to him... And perhaps I shouldn't.

I turned to her, taking a deep breath  "Okay."

"Okay? What is -okay-?" A puzzled Artemis held onto the table's edge 

"I'm okay with it, I'd love to hear more" 

"Um, I'm rather concerned by this reaction of yours."

"Then I'll just talk to Celeste."

Artemis nodded, disorientedly dragging Cae with him outside.

Celeste's hand reached out to mine "I'm glad we could do this.."

"Me too I guess..."

I just met this girl and we sound so dramatic already... Anything can happen in Wonderland

"I know Cae made it sound concerning but in all honesty, it's not that big of a deal."

Looking at her up and down, I shook my head in disbelief "Still not following..."

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