Reason? Who's he?

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Artemis's POV

Another day of mother forcing me to meet potential brides in balls of her arrangement, I simply don't believe my soulmate is anywhere near me but she never gives up. And speaking of people who don't give up, I think today will be my last day of torment on one hand but the beginning of a new one; I will be announcing my engagement to Celeste; The Sun Princess, the best candidate in my mother's eyes as I've dragged the issue far too long

I got out of bed and put my book down on the bedside table, I hope I can keep my face nice enough.

Manners, manners...
As Mother always says "If you are going to rule Aragon, you must learn to control that bad mood of yours".

Since you don't know me yet, I don't like being bossed around, but I'm about to be...

" Artemis."

Mother called out as her sound voice echoed through the corridor, my attempts of out walking my mother, the queen, were useless as it proved to be every. time.

I sighed in disbelief and turned to face her

"Your Majesty." I bowed

"Where is your crown Artemis? I specifically had the royal jeweler use black stardust just to fit your taste" she complained

The queen put her hand on my chin and lifted my face to be looking up at her

"I will wear it tonight " I compromised

What guy wears crowns though? She doesn't quite get it

"Walk with me"

As if I have the luxury of saying no...

We both paced as everyone in the castle bowed at the sight of my mother and I passing through. The castle wasn't always this full; there was barely anyone most of the time, something I enjoyed so much, but they were all here for my engagement preparations.

Mother and I settled in the throne room, she faced the glass wall in her velvet royal robe looking at the Sky with admiration.

"This will be all yours soon, Artemis" She paused to turn to me"You can talk to me you know? About Celeste"

"Mother I wish there was something to say to begin with..."

I turned away and held my elbow with the palm of my hand

"I'm bringing you the oracle"
she announced in dismay

I looked up at her in surprise with wide eyes" Why?"

"Because ever since you and Celeste were born, you were inseparable and I thought it was simply your rebellious spirit causing this sudden change of heart,"

It was never sudden though; Celeste was always a friend and never will be more than that in my eyes.. something my mother just could not accept.

"...But," Mother paused" I couldn't bring myself to marry you off to Celeste without knowing if your fate has changed."

I couldn't hide the smile that escaped my lips, nor did I want to. I need to know if there's someone out there just for me, I've always felt my heart wandering across the universe and couldn't help but wonder what if.  It also didn't exactly help that I had the mark of a soulmate on me; that always kept me wondering.

"I appreciate this mother, whatever she tells me, I won't object. You have my word"
I put my hand on my shoulder and bowed my head down in respect.

She nods approvingly at me as she points with her hand to the oracle, I felt her walking up behind me, I stood up to face her only to be met with her bowing for us both.

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