Meeting the parents

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Destiny's pov

Eden promised me it was a pleasant surprise, Afomia seemed to know something that I didn't but all I could think about was where was Artemis... Why wasn't he the one who picked us up? How badly have I ruined things? I needed to apologize for the injury at the very least, but he was nowhere to be found.

Eden had taken Afomia and me to my old room, where my green dress was laid out; the same green dress I had dined with Artemis and his friend in.

Demetri was waiting for us as well, only for him to make me wear my old dress again 

"Can't I wear something else?"

"Green represents new beginnings. That's why I insist" He winked

Were they getting me and Artemis back together? What was the new beginning they were referring to?

I surrendered to the dress before me and hoped for the best, Eden was still at my door, monitoring my speed.

"How is Artemis...?" Hesitant, I asked her

"His Highness isn't doing very well," Eden leaned against the door frame, playing with her pocket watch

"-Better yet, if you happen to come across Queen Juno alone, walk away." In a light-toned whisper, her demeanor was warning.

"Tell me..." I stuttered "...Was it because of me?"

Afomia caressed my shoulder for comfort, taking my other hand in hers.

Rotating completely towards the door, Eden sighed in utter disappointment and began to walk out, leading us to follow her.

Putting her pocket watch back in "Well chop now, we're running behind schedule"

I hurriedly ran after her, Afomia held my hand in the big hallway as we passed through

"Wait! Afomia paused, being out of breath "Why do they walk so fast?"

She turned to me

"It's the height difference; you'll get used to it" I scoffed

"Are you ready?" Eden stood at the doorway to the throne room


"Meeting your real mother."

Eden knocked on the door, I barely had a moment to grasp the news, let alone react!

This gut-wrenching toe-curling moment was unlike any other.

I found myself rushing inside, Okay not gonna lie; Eden gave me a little nudge...

My feet felt too heavy to take the next step, my dress vengefully wrapped too tightly around my waist; restricting my mobility.

This was it; everything I once knew would never be the same.

As I finally found the strength to walk in, a beautiful woman with the warmest smile stood at the sight of me, her eyes welled up in tears and so did mine, there was no doubt about it... this was my real mother.

I found myself running towards her and tearing up in her embrace

We broke away from the hug to get a good look at each other, my mom cubbed my face.

Wow, I never thought I was going to ever say that. My Mom.

"You've grown into a gorgeous young lady"

 A smile emerged from the midst of tears

"I take after my mother"

She scoffed and took me into another embrace, the warmest hug to ever grace my being.

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