Way to go cupid!

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Caelum's pov

A few hours after his return from Earth, Artemis finally woke up in his room.

I've been shaken up since the event, Artemis lead us in wars before! This was no match to our battles.

Why is everything going downhill? Exhumed after stopping time in all of Aragon couldn't be the only reason

I yearned for answers

I. Needed. Answers.

My legs wore out of walking in circles so much and the walls grew tiresome of me. Sitting back down, I saw his eyes open at last

 "You're finally up."

"What happened ?" Artemis's words left his lips in a faint whisper

"You tell me, surely you've drained yourself after stopping time"

I bent forward

"I remember..." an expressionless Artemis answered without meeting my gaze, seeming to be somewhere else entirely

"How's your head?"

"I can't feel anything "

Silent wails escaped him.

My heart broke to see him like this, I've never seen him in such a state; he is by no means an emotional being.

I always wondered how could one stay so resilient, keeping every troubling thought to oneself, but then again; he and I are not so different, his position requires a great deal of strength as does mine, He was everyone's rock, you could always lean on Artemis and feel safe, taken care of, that no harm will come to you because he has got it taken care of.

He was the walls of Troy, and I was the lighthouse. He fought wars and I mended wounds.

No world could exist without our matches planted in it, but the real question was not what would people do without our existence, but rather who would take it upon themselves to rescue the rescuers of the world? 

"Do you wanna talk or should I leave you alone?"

Artemis shook his head as he folded his arms "No. I'll tell you what happened... so I can never speak of it again"

Unaware of myself, I got closer "Don't pressure yourself, take it easy"

"Destiny... went out clubbing"

"Wasn't she sick?"

Artemis nodded in response "Miraculous recovery..." Pursing his lips in disbelief

"Okay, so how did we end up here?"

 "When I tried to confront her on why she ran away, she just took off. Again"

I sighed

Yup playing a little cat and mouse. Smart Destiny, well played

That'll do it for Artemis

"Goodness... so naturally you went after her?"


Artemis took a huge breath, that came out an intermittent sigh

"While chasing and trying to understand what I did, she said she never wanted to see my dumb face ever again & that she wasn't one of my whores"

My eyebrows rose

Where was this coming from?

I mean I love her but if I'm being honest? my best friend has. Zero. Game.

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