The knight of cups 2

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(Part 1)

Destiny's pov

Artemis snapped
"I challenge you to a duel."

A duel? Did I hear that right?

Reagan laughed, turning around maliciously "A duel now, eh?"

"A duel... is this the 18th century?"
Afomia whispered to the group who now gathered behind me

"Yes, a duel. And in return,
Artemis banted, turning towards my father
"Your majesty might reconsider your proposal."

My dad's eyebrows rose, appearing slightly impressed, his lower lip projected forward
"Very well, proceed."

"Shit Destiny, this duel is over your honor"
Afomia whispered to me, teasing.

Her hands held onto Ash's shoulders as she attempted to muffle her own laughter. In return, Asher took her in his grip, covering her mouth with his hands and restricting her movements with his forearms wrapped around her completely. He smiled softly as to conceal the restriction of his wildcat.

Sure, the duel felt like a matter of honor, Afomia's inappropriate remarks only reinforced this way of thinking. I'm not that glad though...

"Shouldn't I at least be aware of the proposal at stake? Or are you to cheat me out of this one too?"
Reagan dropped bombs for words, he clicked his tongue to really get under his skin.

Cheat him out of what?
I wondered, turning towards Caelum, squinting his eyes; he mouthed later

"It doesn't matter, that position is mine, and no one else will ever take it from me."
Artemis's eyes lingered my way, hinting at me in someway but I pretended to be blind.
I require a clear upfront statement, that boundary, I will not shift.

I am a single woman. In fact, so single, Beyonce should hire me to sing single ladies with her.
Not to mention; I will say something later about this objectifying... the position is mine... huh... I swear I'm not even impressed if anything I'm disgusted.

Caelum came a few steps forward with Asher besides him, both carrying armor and a sword.
The two went parted towards the knights, in such synchronized motion one would fail to plan and execute with such precision.

Cae held up Artemis's chest armor and sword and assisted him with wearing it, whispering something to him than none other than them could hear. My peripheral vision proved efficient; Artemis nodded as he glared at me, with such hatred.

while Asher handed Reagn his armor and sword by hand and just stared at him, awkwardly...

Inching my way towards Reagan, I hit him with a warm smile "Let me help with you that."

Batting my eyelids, my hands went up his wide muscular shoulders, feeling them up with great admiration.

"Thank you my lady."
He winked, taking my hand away for a prolonged kiss, not breaking our eye contact.

I felt my cheeks heat up, I'm certainly blushing, but at those words, who wouldn't?
"Oh my... I bet you're so strong."
Honeying my voice, I let out a soft feminine laugh

"Cheer for me, and I'll just have to prove myself to you."

His armor was ready, he drew his silver sword from its black scabbard, taking a few steps back into the field.
Try as I might, I couldn't escape my soulmate's scornful gaze. His eyes were all over me, in utter blame and reproach, had Cae not put on his armor for him, it wouldn't have been worn.

Don't feel any guilt Destiny, you are a single woman. However this single woman is slightly shaken; for picking the bee hive beyond its limits.

The king ordered them to get into position, we all took a few steps backwards to give them enough space
I took my time walking backwards, gently swaying my hips, waving at Reagn and sending him air kisses.
I whispered to Celeste, catching my heart well before it dropped
"Don't tell me one of them have to die?"

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