Through the blinds

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Caelum's pov

I was really contemplating confronting Art about the Merna thing, but it had to wait.

Also, I knew something wasn't right with Destiny, the story was rather wilder than I'd anticipated, but my gut tells me there was yet to come; it never lies to me.

Destiny and I have been sitting in the library since the crack of dawn, it was just soothing like that, to watch the sun rise in the midst of all the darkness that preceeded it. Nothing could ever have any hold over me as a beautiful scenery that could be grasped and admired in silence within the chilly morning breeze; it brought me great comfort.

I'm not sure it was the same Destiny was thinking; My sighs were of relaxed nature while hers were rather concering.

"Are you okay Destiny?"
My gaze drifted towards her grumpy face.

"I'm fine."
Drawing up a fake smile , her tone so high it faded away relentlessly.

Well that was far from the truth...

I stressed
"There's clearly something on your mind"

"There's a lot of crazy stuff in there."

"I'm all ears."
Giving off my most welcoming attitude

"Well to start;
She cleared her throat
"A new dawn has resin upon us and I'm still unwed. A little old school thinking but; it was still the truth."

I chuckled

Not because I wished to mock her but because I saw her ring, knew it came here with Artemis and I was utterly certain, without doubt, that we're throwing a wedding sooner than either of the 2 idiots expected.

"Why are you in such a rush? Surely many people would love to put a ring around your finger, a beautiful woman of your status."

Placing all my focus back into the book, I awaited her reply.

"You're right... I'm quite the catch."

She compromised, bringing a strand of her scarlet red hair behind her ear.

"You know I'd be by your side supporting you no matter who you ended up with..."

My thoughts drifted to Reagan, and how his presence would be a game changer for Destiny and Artemis's relationship.

A suspicious pause followed, completely unintentional.

"But you'd rather I end up with him?"

"No not necessarily, I just want you to be happy"
I sat back in my chair, slouching my shoulders.

"But you'd like it?"
Destiny's accusational fingers snapped across my face, trying to catch me slipping.

"What I like? Does my opinion really matter that much to you?"
I teased, bringing my arms around for a fold.

Like hell was I to allow anyone to assume what I truly think, You sparre me, I sparre back.

"Yes, quite a lot.
She smiled softly
"Even though I haven't known you for long, I value your friendship a lot."

"I'm flattered, and you are very dear to me Destiny."
I smiled

"Okay then, let's strike a deal ; I'll filter out whoever you choose to be with and let you know my utmost honest opinion."


We shook hands, such a fool. A purely malevolent fool; I've already filtered out her future husband.

And here I was, acting the fool myself. Hiding behind my own skin.

"What about you? What troubles you?"
With one question Destiny pulled me out my thought hurricane

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