Rare encounter

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Afomia's pov

I'm bored I'm bored I'm boooredddd!

Astrid didn't mention anything about this much boredom! 

"Don't be a fool"

I wasn't planning on it Astrid... jeez

This Demetri guy came a few times, he's the Ellie Saab of this world, I'm enjoying his designs a great deal, he understands what color pallets suit my undertone, insisted I wear a lot of white, yellow and a daisy pattern. Occasionally, peach, mint green and overall pastels.

Demetri implied how pivotal it is to stick with my new colors, how it unlocks my fortune. Lord knows I need it unlocked for sure

Don't even get me started with the amount of savory sweets they make in this place, I'm starting to feel like my queen Mary Antoinette.

"Let us eat cake"

Clicking our tea cups together

Audra: "This is my favorite tea set."

"It sure is cute, especially with the drawing of the little girl"

Audra: "Sometimes I feel it manifested Destiny back to us"


I turned to Destiny who blessed us with a little bit of emotion and tightened her grip on her mother's hand

"I never take this tea set out for guests, just family."

She winked, sipping on her tea some more

It was endearing to me that she considered me family as well, in a way it touched my heart.

But looking around, there were so many tea sets, she collected them like Pokemon!

Audra's tea room is where we stayed most of the time, she took an interest in the internal decor of the court, it's mostly captured in the serene colors and small details that make all the difference.

The tea room was dominated by a nice shade of ivory white, the round table in the middle had white flower crochet as coasters and a rose gold 17th-century vase made with Kintsugi art.

One would be illuded with white dominating the room, Audra threw in a hint of just enough rose gold to liven up the place with the vase and the curtains. They were carefully wrapped at the sides, of the window, unaffected by the harsh wind of December.

Audra and I are having a thrill with everything, she shares my love of fashion and sweets. The problem is, Destiny is down in the dumps, I'm assuming it's the issue of the cursed star; she's been awfully quiet lately.

I get that these old men coming back and forth is only adding to Des's burdens, I just feel helpless in all this, I can't even promise everything will be okay because, well, what do I know?

Audra's company is great, don't get me wrong. But Mama needs to gossip! I wouldn't mind gossiping about Artemis but we haven't discussed anything related to him; Destiny's refraining from that topic as if it's a maze she wished to escape.

I got up to sit next to my grumpy bestie on the beige couch, I caught her holding one of the crocheted throw pillows.

"We'll have guests today, from Aragon"

Audra announced, sliding it into the conversation in hopes of it going unheard.

She do be sneaky that Audra...

This woman drinks a lot of tea and I'm mostly interested in spilling it, to be honest. But for real though, now I'm concerned for her health, she's anemic at this point.

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