The Artemis affect

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Destiny's pov

If I were to describe my life here at court, I'd say my days spent here are rather quiet and comfortable.

Okay clearly I'm lying to myself... I'm slowly drifting toward the cliff of madness

Cae and Asher always have something to do, I envy them for it, Afomia can understand what they're doing with the training, My mother is always up to arrangements and I just can't shake off the feeling of uselessness.

What was my purpose?


Mom called out to me from across the couch in her tea room, ending my vicious cycle of thoughts


"We'll have visitors today, the one who was assigned to your protection"

"Really? I'm stoked! Who is it?"

"They didn't tell me. But there were only two candidates and the first one accepted"

"Well, don't you know anything about them? Are they cute?" I playfully smirked

My mother burst out laughing

"Well that's not the kind of information one would ask the celestial council. But anyways you'll find out soon enough"

"I wonder what I'll wear for-"

I barely finished that sentence only to find myself being dragged to my mother's dressing room.

Needless to say; It did not disappoint.

My mother had every color and every style, the best part was the fact we had the same size, and every dress of hers fit like a glove.

We both settled on a purple one, I tried it on and rushed to see my reflection in the dressing room's triple mirrors.

Taking swift steps until I stood still on the round wooden modeling pedestal, the dress hugged my figure from the middle and the back, it was a fishtail from the bottom and from the top an off shoulder.

"I feel it's missing something though..."

Mother stood behind me, looking at my reflection in the triple mirror.

"Oh, I know just the thing!"

She ran to the other room and brought back a pearl necklace, a perfectly white lengthy pearl necklace.

"Is that... real?!"

I gasped at the mere sight of it

"Of course it is darling, you're a princess"

She put it on me, it landed cold against my skin, indeed it was the missing piece, the dress needed a dash of color to break its plainness.

I was so lucky to have a mother with my size, taste and same fashion obsession. I caught myself tearing up

"Why are you crying dear?"

Her arms wrapped around me completely in a tight warm embrace

"I'm just so happy."

The sound of trumpets being played in the background interrupted our moment

"It must be our new guest!"

We walked towards the gate, as it was being opened gradually by the guards, a feeling took over my gut, a feeling of familiarness.

Oh god no... please don't let it be him...

At the gateway, I also found found Afomia, Cae, and Asher waiting. Although I'd say; no one possessed the same level of anxiousness as I did. Not even Afomia, normally I'd catch her biting her nails but she was as relaxed as a coconut on a palm tree.

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