Dark horse

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Afomia's pov

Artemis carefully examined Destiny, both worry and tears welled up in his eyes, I tried to hold back my anger towards him because a voice within me shouted "he's genuine"

For all I know, he could be a really good actor, my judgment was cloudy.

"She has a fever that won't subside" I announced

"And you just left her like this?"

In a very faint voice, Artemis casted the blame as he slid her fingertips across destiny's face

"Oh shut up you're entirely to blame!"


"Yeah asshole!"

"What the hell did I do?"

"This is not the time..." I let out a slow deep breath like I learned in anger management class.

"But what did I do, Afomia?"

"You will get answers in time. But for now, tbe fever is my biggest concern."I forced a civilized sigh
"Grandma said it was beyond humans and that we should wait, I didn't know what it is we waited for."
I explained

"Or who it is you're waiting for"

My gaze moved from Destiny's body to Artemis's in utter confusion


"I'm going to be right back."

Abruptly, Artemis got up and walked by me, completely ignoring my existence as he almost reached the door

"Wait! Where are you going?"

I ran after him

"To get a treatment. A moment is all I need. Trust me."

His neck rotated to reveal only half his face from the side, his eyes reflected a genuin promise

Funny enough he didn't lie, it did take him nothing but a moment.

A bright white light appeared in front of me causing me to flinch and drop to the ground, again. I've passed out so much today that I'm genuinely considering signing up to be disney princess.

Artemis just walked right through and into Destiny's room.

"Come on there's barely enough time"
Attempting to hide how raspy his voice was, he helped me up

Brushing myself off, followed him. He took fast big steps while I struggled to catch up.

"You just flashed right before my eyes! "
Astonished, I was left to stare into the wall of Destiny's room

Artemis took out a vile from his pocket, I couldn't help but judge him choice of wardrobe, leather? In August? I can't blame Destiny though, it's giving bad boy vibes.

As he was about to open the wooden tap on the vile, I intercepted

"Woah tiger. Stop right there"

After a long deep sigh and kind of a glare, he asks


"I don't trust you. What's in there?"
It could be a roofie, who the hell knows?

Artemis removed his hair out of his face revealing his sharp jawline and red cheeks to turn to me, clearly trying his best to be patient with me.

"Let him be Afomia."
Grandma's amplified voice came from behind me

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up
"Gosh gammy you scared me"
I banted

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