The Dark Knight's fall

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Artemis's pov

Destiny was on the verge of death, a very painful one at that. I could not let anything happen to her! Screw the rules, time was not my counterpart.

I took out my wings, flying after her as she flew away towards the cliff with the bike.
Time was running out, I had one choice to ensure her safety; her life.
That was to stop time .

Time stood still for Destiny and I.
For a few mere seconds, not just Earth, not just the solar system but the entire world of my rule ceased to beat.
I managed to catch her in time despite proving difficult with the freeze, she was well in my arms before I felt safe enough to undo the time pause.

Destiny opened her eyes to find herself entombed in my embrace at the edge of the cliff

"Destiny what were you thinking?"
I scolded

Our eyes locked as the 2 of us struggled to catch our breath

Destiny broke out of my embrace, got up and went off.
"Oh don't pull that act with me"
She looked away, giving me the cold shoulder

I got off my knees swiftly, banting as my powers were drained completely
"It's not an act Destiny, you're worrying me"

"Don't ever say my name again! You've lost all privileges in regards to me"

My eyebrows rose in suspicion and my mouth had no reaction to match the one on my face.

With a moment to process her painful words, I took in a gulp of air and clenched my fists

"Why is that? What it is that I'd done that was so horrid you can't even look me in my eyes?"

"Oh you really don't know now?"
She scoffed

"No. I really don't know why you're clubbing with all your might after a perfectly nice ball thrown in your honor!"

"Don't make me out to be the bad guy. You're probably used to getting whatever and whoever you want but I'm not one of your whores and that shit won't slide with me"

I felt myself levitating towards her
"What the hell are you talking about? Destiny, I'm at sixes and sevens here trying to figure out what it is I'd done wrong, but here I am asking you to use your words and tell me"

"No! Get away from me!"
She wholeheartedly screamed as she walked towards me, causing me to take a few steps back

"Why are you being this way?"
My eyes welled up in tears, resisting the crack in my voice to get 2 steps closer

"Because I never wanna see your dumb face ever again!"

Destiny screamed at the top of her lungs in agony, pushing me too far back this time.

Destiny's pov

I was looking the other way at first yet upon hearing the sound of the water splashing, I came to notice Artemis was no longer there

My senses awoke causing me to ran towards the edge, having a fullblown panic attack


I looked down at my hands in shock, twisted my wrists around as catching a single breath proved to be an impossible mission

I frantically called out Artemis's name as I looked hopelessly down at the water ripple, holding my head between my hands in terror
"What have I done...?

Looking left and right to find a way down, I had half a mind to jump after him.

In what seemed like a century long wait, one that ate away at my sanity, Artemis came flying up, completely soaked in water.
He landed far behind and addressed me in a faint voice, wearing a glazed expression on him.
His arms immediately wrapped behind his back as his raven black wings crossed.

"Artemis... I'm so sorry, I don't know how I did that"

The way his eyes casted a great blame both terrified and unsettled me.
I walked a few steps forward but Artemis took a few steps back, holding out his hand in front of him as if to draw a line between us.

A few drop of blood dripping down his forehead absolutely destroyed me. How could I...?

"There's no need to apologize."

"Of course there is, you're hurt..."
my eyes gushed with tears as I walked towards him, with nothing else on my mind but that blood.

As a reflex, Artemis again took a few steps further back.
"You cannot be human, that was an exhibit of Celestial powers..."

"What? Is now really the time for this kind of talk? You're hurt. Let me help"

"...which means she was right"
Artemis nodded to him, completely disregarding my words

"Artemis, I..."

"I will send for someone to explain something to you later but in the meantime, You will at last be rid of me."

I met that sentence with silence and unreturned eye contact

Artemis sighed in dispair
"You do not care for me, a guy can take a hint. But you have my word, no land you ever step foot in will witness a thunderstorm, it's the least I can do"
He turned around to continue

"Goodbye , Your Highness"

And flew away in a flash, not giving me a chance to say anything else to save face.
I simply stood there, gazing, looking up at the sky, I was left for my thoughts, surrounded by the broken pieces of the motorcycle.

I constantly looked down at my hands and the irretrievable damage they've done, drowning myself in self-loathe.

The night never felt so dark and chilly before
Eventually, I gave up and walked a mile, until Afomia came back with the car

Afomia ran towards me, capturing me in a needed hug.
"Destiny! Thank goodness! I was about the get the police involved"

But I tuned everything out from there on out, my mind was absent, it remained with the blood drop down Artemis's cheek, and pangs of guilt took over me.

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