Love is rich with honey & venom

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Merna's POV

My mother once told me, I would live my life seeking the approval of others.

Just like an illusion, the more I would think I came close to their acceptance, I would only wind up constantly finding it at arm's length, like quicksand, and never in my grasp, it withers away each time.

Before you judge me, you should know I wasn't always the way I am, they made me this way, they're the wicked ones, not me!

In a previous life, I've loved and I've lost.

I fought and got defeated.

Being nice got me nothing except others walking all over my heart.

This life? I'm determined to get my happy ending even if it was at the expense of another's happiness. I deserve to be happy too.

No one cared about me when I was left behind, wreaking havoc was the only way to go. Any kindness that I once possessed, is now sealed away.

Having finished the bigger part of my plan, I approached the human girl, I noticed she was surrounded by the solar system princesses among others. It was peculiar to me how "charmed" they were by her, they were getting along so great, bonding like lifelong companions... something they could never do with me, but no more, they'll learn to respect their future queen one day.

I inserted myself in the middle, interrupting their conversation as I spread my arms on princesses Asteria and Freya's shoulders

"Ah princesses how lovely to see you all here, getting the gang back together"

 Trying to sound as friendly as possible Asteria shot me a glare while Freya simply slipped from under my arm without a sound

Asteria: "It was certainly lovely before you showed up"

I pulled my arm off her

The girls burst into laughter and started whispering things to each other before quieting down completely at the stone-cold stare I shot them, I am not a joke and I will be damned before I let them make me one.

I cleared my throat

"Yeah anyways, I was fixing my messy hair," Looking down at the human girl in a fiery challenging look

"... I wasn't planning on accepting the invitation to this soiree, but honestly girls, is it even a real party without me?"

The human girl's gaze was fixed on me, she seemed too calm for her good. While everyone was looking me up and down in disdain

"You are so tiny aren't you?" I remarked, mocking her

Everyone gasped and began attacking me as it was crystal clear that the human girl was indeed intimidated by me and was on the verge of tearing up; I saw it in her eyes, my victory.

Freya"Have you no manners?!" She held Destiny's shoulder sideways 

Erytria"Who do you think you are talking to her like that?" Pointing her finger at me

Asteria:" Remember she could have you kicked outta the system. Hell, Caelum would be glad to kick your ass on Princess Destiny's behalf right here and right now"

I raised my hands to my face defensively, playing the clueless victim

 "Wow chill girls, I thought it didn't have to be so formal since Artemis and I are already super close, I simply didn't want to be a stranger..."

Silence took over, everyone clearly against me, she's not pissed enough to leave so I was not quite through.

New plan; I attempted to switch my act to a more gullible one

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