Another Mother 2

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Juno's pov

"It's true." I sighed

"Can I see her?"

Audra's emerald green eyes welled up in tears 

"I've sent for her, but I need a word with you first, until she gets here-"

"Juno I can't wait any longer, please. Have mercy on my heart" She begged

"She'll be here soon. You simply came earlier than I expected." I assured

"Of course, I dropped everything and rushed here"

"I hope you didn't spread the word around about this" My eyebrow rose questionably 

"No no, I came as soon as I received your letter."

She panted, reassuring me

"Sit down," I suggested, releasing a sight "We'll have some tea"

Surely there were certain manners for teatime, I believe shallow conversations and such but I was nowhere near close to performing those despite what was expected of me.

Grabbing the handle of the beige ceramic teapot, I made sure to support the base as I poured it into her cup.

Each cup contained a flower that bloomed upon being drenched in tea, thus serving its purpose of creating a warm atmosphere; I have Eden to think for that, I am certainly not an expert on the matter.

 It was a bit relaxing to admire though, this tea time and the false sense of serenity it provided. But I preferred facts and real life, one could only float in illusions for so long before crashing down to reality.

I liked Audra, don't get me wrong but right now, she was Destiny's mother and My sights failed to recognize her as anything else

"So how did you find her?" She bent forward, I copied her

"The human oracle had a theory... that your daughter belonged here in our world and not earth. She was right, as Destiny ended up being Artemis's soulmate"

"What was she like?" Audra's eyes glistened with passion, one that I wished not to ignite.

 "There's not much for me to express as I've spoken to her but a few times. Artemis would be able to tell you much more if he were well enough"

The pettiness was escaping me, it was wise to call on Caelum now

"Why? What's wrong with Artemis?"

She held on to her teacup in utter innocence. Yet, still, I failed to put out the fire starting in my heart.

Doing me a great favor, Caelum walked in and bowed "Your majesties."

"Audra this is Caelum, our main healer" 

"How do you do my Queen?"

"Tell me about my daughter please" She pleaded, almost gaining my compassion

"The princess will be here shortly. Meanwhile, I'll get right to the story you need to hear" 

Caelum paused as he took in a well-deserved gulp of air

"...the reason why she's been lost for so many years was because her star is cursed, by Merlin and another Aragonese ruler."

Audra's eyes widened in shock, choking on words. She sat still, imagining the worst.

"I bet Merlin is missing, isn't he my queen?" Caelum hinted

Audra tilted her head to the side

"My... I... haven't seen him no..but it's customary for him to come and go as he pleases"

For a second, her thoughts wandered into an inevitable void, as did mine. After all, we all mothers.

"Well, this time he's not coming back anytime soon." Caelum pursed his lips, as his gaze moved downward.

Audra's shoulders tensed up as Caelum carried on the conversation "We're not experts on cursed stars, my queen. Destiny may be in our protection now and has been since she's been discovered but, with Merlin on the loose, she will not be completely safe"

Audra nodded in defeat "We will arrange meetings with the celestial council"

"That would be wise, Audra" I assured, extending a hand toward her trembling one

Caelum waited until I gave him a nod to continue 

"Merna of mercury has been captured-"

"By my son." I interrupted, Eden's words repeated themselves in my head

Audra cleared her throat as she held on to her teacup, Caelum scratched the back of his head as the 2 glanced around the room.

"-Yes, by Artemis,

Caelum broke the echoing silence when he threw me a quick side glance

"-and I would advise complete discretion on the matter. Princess Destiny will need protection, the matter of the cursed star is unpredictable and until it is resolved, Destiny must remain heavily guarded by trustworthy people"

"I've always told my husband I was never a big fan of Merlin yet he kept on promoting him..." Audra arched her back, her gaze focused on the marble floor.

"It's alright Audra, what's done is done, now is not the time to dwell on the past; it's time we think of solutions," I said

"You're right, Juno. I don't know where to begin"

"A new healer" Caelum implied

Both our gazes shifted toward the healer.

"My queen, pardon my impotence, I'm merely drawing your attention to a necessary role that needs to be filled in Lyria, now more than ever"

"You're right Caelum. Juno.." Her tone turned high "...would you let me borrow your healer, temporarily?"

"My healer is indispensable my queen, especially with Artemis being in a very dangerous state"

"How foolish of me... It completely slipped my mind" Audra looked away in shame covering her face.

Caelum shot me a look, pointing with his head towards her, rolling his grey eyes her way.

My heart ached for the sight of her, at this very moment she was no different than me; Another mother. I reached for her shoulder

"However... I have an idea."

Audra's eyes lit up  "Yea?"

"Caelum, can you nominate a new healer, one you can trust to be loyal?" I said

Caelum: "Yes, there's my cousin Asher, ruler of the Orion. If my queen permits this nomination," he turned to me for a nod of approval, one I granted.

"-He possesses a knowledgeable base from our war days but he's not hands-on experienced yet"

"Caelum can come and go to train him" I suggested

"Oh I'd be forever grateful for that"

Audra jumped into my arms, a peculiar notion caught my skin, a strange cool, I subtly tapped on her shoulder.

A loud knock on the door broke the hug; looking up it was Eden's work, saving me from this dreadful physical contact.

"I apologize for the interruption, but the princess is ready to see you."

Eden's wink went unnoticed by everyone else but her timing was indeed impeccable.

I never linked Destiny's features to Audra before this, but the minute she walked in with her emerald green dress and similar hairstyle, the resemblance was uncanny.

They ran towards each other, I walked away back into the hallway as their faint cries lurked in the background. Gradually Fading into the distance. My feet never felt so heavy.

"I know this must be hard for you" Caelum's breath fanned across my ear "..But you did great"

A defeated smile forced itself on my lips.

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