Running on bitterness and wine

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Artemis's POV

I had mixed emotions about the entire situation i had left behind. No one has ever attempted to stand up to me and I certainly didn't imagine a tiny human ,out of everyone , would.

I don't know what to feel, she didn't melt at the sight of me like everyone does, I hated to admit but that hurt my pride. It does make room for some actual worthy challenge though, I've always secretly wished to be challenged...

The oracle came to see me a while after that day. I was in my room getting drunk as I always do, I'd say I've earned it after today's events and for not getting my way.

"Your highness"

She bowed.

"Did you explain everything to her?"

"Yea your highness but if i may?"

I nodded at her approvingly

"I'm aware that she's your soulmate, but you must remember she's a human. You must be kinder and more gentle. Even if the connection exists and is very strong; she must first accept you willingly. Humans like to make sense of feelings and don't simply endure the idea of being forced into something they weren't ready for. Mark my words, it will not be easy and a lot of effort must be made on your behalf first."

She released a breath heavy with disappointment as she continued

"The situation is based entirely on how you treat it , if she doesn't accept you, it's eventually dangerous.... Well then, I'm expected back on earth but whenever you need me, simply summon me"

I thanked and excused her, she took her leave

I was shaking the wine around in my golden cup in circles deep in thought; getting slightly more drunk with each glass I poured as I brought it closer to my lips.

Today's interaction felt like rejection at first site , I'm Artemis for the love of it! Anger was building up inside me with every thought and memory of today. Provocked , I threw my crown across the bed and stared into the night from my balcony.

Huh calling the cops on me? The human authority enforcements. How dare she not accept me? Who does she think she is? She wants to go back to the stupid earth? Fine. Let there be thunderstorms everywhere then.

I would cause thunderstorms unintentionally when I'm angry, hence the nickname god of thunder.

Mother insists I must control myself better otherwise, Earth's climate will become "unbearable." Some days I admit I'd mischievously cause them to piss off my mother, but his time ,I didn't care about earth's climate; let them suffer the consequences of one of their own.

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