Now, your mess is mine

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Afomia's pov 

Destiny: "Who are you?"

"I'm Eden of Aragon, the royal consultant" She bowed to Destiny

As incredibly tall as she was, even when she did bow, she still towered over us both. Eden had shoulder-length hazel hair and golden eyes that matched the golden buttons on her deep blue military Dolman tunic.

"Did Artemis send you?"

"No, Your Highness, Queen Juno did."

"I apologize for the trouble you went through but I'm not interested in going back there" Destiny adamantly turned around

"Your Highness, I am not to disclose anything confidential but you haven't been summoned back for the reason you believe you were"

Destiny shot me a look of confusion, knotting her brows together 

"Explain a little further."  I folded my arms, bringing myself directly in front of her

"Ah...You must be the young-witch friend" A smug smile conquered her once-serious features, and she looked me up and down as if I were a treat...

"I am. Nothing around here happens without my approval" Standing tall, I tightened my folded arms even more, ignoring Eden's freshly wettened lips and her flirty demeanor

Eden took a step back, almost out of balance, and continued

"I was sent here to present an opportunity for the princess, a new life" Eden's arms were tied behind her back.

"Do I have a say in this?"

Destiny looked away, in the most mellow dramatic way possible

Eden wouldn't lift her eyes off me, it was physically unsettling, she really got in my head.

With the fortune teller's cards, I wondered, could this be the one for me?

"Destiny I think this was what Astrid was referring to" I whispered

"I will come with you..." Destiny turned around to face Eden assertively "...Only if Afomia's there with me"

My eyes widened in shock, what was happening?

"Afomia huh?" Eden raised an eyebrow, striking up a smug smile, she asked "So... Afomia," she stressed, dragging out my name " Are you ready to give up your life on Earth?"

Eden turned to me, Her warm smile and welcoming demeanor almost pushed me to say yes immediately but I had to let it simmer.

"Do I have a say in this?" I asked

"Why of course" Eden assured

Giving it a second thought, if I said no now, would I regret my decision?

It's a lifetime of an unpredictable journey, but my days on this planet have certainly come to an end.

According to the fortune teller, I am to follow my redhead friend to reach my fate. I was certain I had my fair share of fun on Earth, it was time for something new...

"I'll come." I nodded

Eden hit me with a full-fledged smirk Destiny walked ahead of us and looked up at the sky.

Her breath fanned across my ear, tickling my neck "I won't be there where you're going... I hope that doesn't change your answer"

"It won't, I paused "-Be sure of that." I flicked my curls in her face

Eden giggled as she took us back "Hold on tight." She winked

Just like when Artemis took us to Aragon, we were there in a heartbeat.

In Destiny's old room at Aragon's court, Demetri was waiting for us there already.

For these people; he appears to be rather indispensable.

I knew what news awaited Destiny, hence why Demetri insisted on her wearing the green dress,

"to indicate a new beginning," He remarked

Guilty enough, I admit; My mind was elsewhere

Astrid was too vague but I withheld a secret of my own, perhaps I didn't entirely leave earth behind.

Yeah so maybe I couldn't get a crystal ball from Astrid's E-store but I do plan on DMing her with updates.

Wickedly enough. Provided that she tells me more

Destiny surrendered to wearing the dress she was so opposed to and got ready,

"whatever, let's just get this shit over with..." Destiny puffed, pushing her auburn strands out of her face as her hands held onto her waist.

I paced around the busy room, lost in my own mind.

 Eden came back once again

"You look lovely princess, a smile now would be your pièce de resistance"

An exemplary smile tugged at the corners of her lips, imitating a smile for Destiny to copy.

 Destiny found herself obliging, pulling her abstinent lips into a genuine smile.

And fuck me, I know I would've caved too.

Eden's gaze shifted to the hourglass. She then took out her pocket watch and hurried us along

"Well chop chop now, we're running behind schedule"

As we crossed the path through the corridor, it felt darker than usual; It resembled the backstage pathway you use before you get on stage, where you become a deer in the headlights for everyone to stare at intensively.

Destiny must be petrified, I can only imagine what it must be like for her.

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