The Wallflower

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A/N: if this doesn't destroy you, I have failed as a writer. 

Caelum's pov

Everyone was awake before our favorite couple.
The 4 of us accommodates ourselves in the big hall, with the long wooden pine table just sitting down for breakfast.

I was already feeling far from myself in all black, a black turtleneck with a black frock coat on top with matching dress pants but that's because my white suit and shite button up had been stained crimson red with Artemis's blood; you could very well understand my frustration.

Luckily for me, Audra and Caspian always have their breakfast together in their room. Which really gave Afomia the space she needed to start blabbering in her unfiltered self.
I try not to be racist or encouraging stereotypes about healers hating witches,  but she really gets on my nerves sometimes...

Breaking the peaceful silence of the morning breeze, she tapped against the wooden table both palms down
"Do you think they did it?"

That's one way to start the morning...

Careful as to not spill my coffee, I managed to snatch my white mug off before she had the chance to vibrate the table with her Afomia-ness, eyeing her sideways, I kept to myself.

Asher sat back in his seat, wiping off his thin framed silver glasses carefully as his morning read was halfway through.

Celeste cleared her throat
"I don't think so. Artemis has always been old fashioned in that regard"

"Nah blondie, I bet you they did it"
Repeatedly tapping against the table with one firm hand
"What do you think Ash?"

"I think you should keep me out of your bets."
He pursed his lips

Alas, I just knew the compass's magnetic needle was going to annote me as the north pole.

She smiled, catching my gaze as I sipped my coffee

"You already have an rigid opinion on that matter, what's one more?" I sassed

"Tell me what you think anyways"
Bringing her palms underneath her chin, in every attempt to look as cute as possible

"I think, they did it."

Dropping her fork against her plate, she turned my way

Afomia drew her body closer from across the table in her brown sleeved dress that complimented her skin tone, bending over against her elbows
"I saw we propose a bet."

"Don't make bets with me. You will always lose and I don't have the energy to wipe tears today."

Okay so clearly I was a little salty about the Reagn thing getting somewhat planned out behind my back. I needed to prove to myself most of all, that I will always know more about what goes on behind the scenes than anyone else.

"Are you afraid to lose?"
She teased

"Ha! As if...
I scoffed
"Bring it on. What's your bet?"

"I bet you I will know about them doing it before you."
"In exchange for what?"
"Your potion room for an entire day, under my disposal."

I hated the thought of people around my belongings but I had to tame my tongue because she had, after all, no real chance of winning against me, I'm Caelum for crying out loud.

"Okay, and when you lose, not if because that's how confident I am, you will dress up like a witch, with a pointy hat and broom, the entire look."

Afomia laughed as she shook my hand across the table

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