I do desire we may be better strangers

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Destiny's pov

My subconscious mind couldn't gather a dream of a library like this one never mind, so mind you ,actually seeing one with my own eyes, was mesmerizing.

It was around sundown when we entered, on one side; french windows leading towards the royal gardens capture the sunset in a beautiful red hue all over.

As we went further inside, the interior was dominated by the brown wooden pine shelves, chairs and tables. With a dash of color at the roof, ancient drawings of angels and in the far corner, a glass dome. All of which, our attention was drawn to by the librarian. I've always been a history nerd unlike Afomia who's definitely sleep walking.

"This glass dome was an addition by king..."

Afomia chuckled, pointing at the glass dome and whispered

"Hey Des, remember when Madame Astrid told me a crystal ball would burn my place down?"


"Your people got a giant one in a library of all places, how mocking can fate be?"

"Well your madame Astrid is a liar so I suggest you stop mentioning her"

[come on Destiny don't come for madame Astrid, she's one of my faves]

A loud whisper escaped me, causing Caelum and Asher to pay attention to us.

I walked ahead to be besides my mother, madame Astrid my ass...

Back to reality, I tried to think about anything else. Let's see...

This Lydia seemed friendly enough, something excited her all of a sudden though... maybe Mom's introduction made her feel too shy to respond, she snapped back so ...quickly?

"And that brings us to the end of our tour, I'll be at the front desk if anyone needs anything. Okay?"

I walked towards the librarian "Thank you so much"

"It's an honor, your highness"

"I'm a huge history nerd"

"No way! Me too! I'd love to show you my favorite books here"

"I'd like that too"

"If you don't mind me saying, I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries but you're very beautiful"

"As are you."

With the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a certain raven-haired, thunder-causing god listening in to my conversation with Lydia.

I walked back, pretending I didn't see him but deliberately bumping into his arm. He immediately flinched at my touch

Dramatic much?

"Watch where you're going."

Snidely Artemis remarked, remaining pinned to his place.

"Don't eavesdrop on other's conversations"

I matched his energy and walked straight to the table

What's with the overdramatic flinch though?

The 6 of us gathered at the long brown wooden table as Lydia brought us some books to start with (per Cae's instructions).

"I'll take mine up to my chamber, I prefer reading in my room, if I find anything I'll come straight down to you youngsters" Mom excused herself, winking at me as she walked out

Caelum sat us all down to explain the drill.

I found myself next to Afomia... and facing none other than Artemis.

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