Saints and sinners

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Caelum's pov

With a forehead still bruised and blood gushing in a heavy flow, a drenched Artemis stomped back into Erytria's castle in Venus, only this time, with nothing left to lose.

The crimson red wound bled through his raven black hair

His once kind gullible countenance was now feral, taken over by a thirst for vengeance. His mind was clouded with darkness that I could feel it in my heart; Artemis couldn't see straight.

Full of wrath , Artemis carried a hostile glare, scornful and heartbroken, he let his wound bleed, each drop of blood warm against his skin as it dribbled down his face and neck.

Pain was no longer a variable, if anything it was about to become a habit or worse; an addiction

The light flickered along the dark alley, a deafening silence was broken with the sound of Artemis's steps

Everyone was quick to move out of his way. The atmosphere was tense, dark and threatening, the cold silence preceeded an inevitable fate.

"What more do you want from me Artemis?"
Merna complained as she shook the chains restraining her

Artemis walked in and slammed the door shut behind her. The princesses ran for their lives behind the door

Who was to blame them? Not me.
As not even I, a healer, can tend to someone against their will.

Pulling off the gloves from his hands that were slightly shaking, he proceeded go throw them across the floor and took meticulously threatening slow steps towards the wolf in sheap's clothing


Merna didn't even see it coming, she held her cheek with her hand
"Did you- hit me?"

Artemis's hands instantly wrapped around Merna's neck, he could no longer conceal this great evil trapped inside of her

"Do you have any idea what you've cost me?"

The raspiness escaped his once strong voice as darkness took over his senses

His grip around Merna's neck tightened until I forcefully pulled him away
"Artemis stop! She's not worth it"

At the top of my lungs I screamed before pulling his obstinate body away

Artemis resisted and growled

"Let me have her! "

"No! You can't kill her. Heavens knows she deserves it but still."
I spun Artemis towards me and cubbed his face reddened entirely with rage

"Listen to me. We need her alive for the Celestial council. A trial will be held"

In an attempt to calm down his nerves, sucking away some poisonous energy, Artemis's breathing rhythm stabilized gradually

"Umm excuse me, trial?!"
Merna interrupts , breaking down the last bit of decency Artemis possessed

An angry sigh broke free of me.

"I'm also out to get you! But Celeste isn't dead like you had hoped so you have many witnesses on your ass and better believe I will savor every moment of your downfall"

Merna's jaw hit the ground, her gaze escaped reality, everything was about to crumble and she will face the music entirely on her own.

"I won't kill her. Let me vent Caelum..."

There was no use of hiding it anymore, the blood stained my hand a crimson red hue in an immaculate heat

"Let me tend to your wound first"

"Stop being so stubborn,"  I held his shirt's collar in a tight grip , forcing him to look at me "this is dangerous! How did it even happen?"

Something happened on Earth, undoubtedly. I could see it in his eyes, avoidant, wounded, broken. Ruin.

"Can't you just let me be?"
Tears welled up in Artemis's eye

What's done was done and he's just come to realize it was irreversible

Artemis sobbed in defeat.
I've never seen him so defeated, conquered

His wound looked serious but alas, it was the broken heart that immensely took over the remains of him.

In the midst of it all, Artemis inevitably collapsed in my arms, due to all the blood loss, I assumed.

I managed to catch him well before hitting the hard cold floor.

"No! You have to save him"
Merna begged and screamed Artemis's name

"You are one piece of work did you know that? "
My gaze shifted to glare at Merna in utter disgust

The princesses rushed in to help as well

"Her worry is real, the truth serum still hasn't worn off"
Freya glanced over my direction

Torn, my eyes traveled between Artemis's worn out body and Merna

"I... must tend to Artemis... would you mind seeing if there's anything else she's hiding?"

Eryrtia had Merna's neck in a choke hold "Bet."

Merna flinched as her gaze was on a passed out cold Artemis

Freya yelled out

"He doesn't have much time, what is it?"

Freya: "Artemis doesn't leave this door unless you answer me this...
She bent over to Merna's eye level and glared right into her soul

"Is there something else you'd done?"

Merna nodded as she forced her lips shut "Say it or he dies within those walls, hisbblood will be on your hands"

Freya threatened

"I... "
Merna hesitated

Artemis suddenly felt cold in my arms "Freya we're losing him! I can't stay"

"Yes I have! Okay I'll admit it" Merna winced in pain

Frantic I ran out, completely tuning out the background noise.

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