Fortune favors the brave

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Artemis's pov

During my language learning days, one of my favorite latin phrases than never left my memory was:

Mens regnum bona possidet

Which translated to: an honest heart is a kingdom in itself

I held on it dearly, right now more than ever, it was crucial to remind myself of my value, more specifically; the value of my heart.

But real quick, what is up with the deathly silence in the castle?

I could only deduct one thing; I've been out a couple of days, one of those days being the one where Destiny came here to meet her parents. I can't believe that they actually listened to me and left me out...

Sure I would have been bitchy about it, but it would've worked in my favor. Now? Because of my stupid pride, I may never see her again

I got up to face the one person who has caused every single thing to go wrong; myself.

My under eyes were inhabited by the darkness of the night, by my favorite color, darkness was about to become a part of me that I couldn't spare. We are the same.

I find myself sinking further into it, problem is; I'm no longer fighting to reach the surface.

Who was this man? And why was he beyond recognition, or saving for that matter?

"Oh, you're up!"

My dark toxic condescending thoughts were interrupted by Cae 

"Unfortunately..." I muttered to myself

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" 

"There's nothing good about it. I feel like shit"

"Well you're alive and breathing so I'm thankful the treatment worked" Concealing a relieved smile, he tapped my shoulder

"And... It's good to have you back, Artemis"

I scoffed

But... That was sweet and truthful

"Thank you, Cae, for not giving up on me" I held on to my mirror's mantle for support

                                   "Are you okay?"    "How is she?"

We found ourselves spewing out these concerns at the same moment

"She," he paused" is fine."

Cae picked up on my worried sense, making it very obvious with his sarcastic looks

"-Queen Audra picked her up with her witch friend and they took off to Lyria. And she's settling in just fine" Irene sat at the edge of my table

"I blew it Cae... I know I did..."

"Well, I wouldn't be so certain about that per se." he folded his arms

"Is there something you're not telling me?" I lashed out



"Trust there's always something I'm concealing, but be at ease with the fact you'll know what you need to know when the time is right"

He smiled wickedly and headed towards the door "Oh and, Artemis?"


"Pack your things, the celestial counsel decided that you'll be in charge of Destiny's protection"

How could he say such a thing to me and vanish?

I admit, it has, as of this moment, just become a good morning indeed. This filthy mess of a heart may receive just the thrill it long yearned for.

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