The real deal

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Afomia's pov

Dragging my shackled legs into Destiny's room, I sensed a great deal of remorse.

My best friend has been through a lot, she deserves to at least know the truth of my dismay.

It was extra embarrassing when Caelum & Artemis were the ones encouraging our reconciliation. I shook it off and forced my way in there

Peeking through the door ajar

Destiny sat up, meeting my gaze in a cold expressionless face

She turned her face away

"May I come in?"

Audra answered on her behalf "come in dear, I'll leave you girls to it"
Patting me on the back at her departure

Destiny couldn't bare the sight of me, I wouldn't blame her; I've been selfish, it wasn't my time just yet. But I'm only human after all, and so was she.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

I stood halfway through the distance between us with my hands tied behind my back,I felt a breeze coming through my white dress.

I sighed
"I didn't mean the words I said to you"

Her gaze was yet to meet mine, her chin was elevated, for a second I believed she wouldn't not budge so easily

"I... just miss my best friend"

"I'm right here Destiny..."

Cutting the distance towards her bed short, I placed myself by her side

"You've been out of it lately... is there something you're not sharing with me?"

Busted, she's extensively close to unraveling my secret.
"There is, but I'm not ready to talk about it just yet..."

"Do you... still want to leave?"

An enormous sigh left my lungs, before I could answer she preceded with :

"Everyone leaves, I drive everyone away..."

"No! Don't say that! I dont want to leave your side, no. And you're not the reason, okay?"

"Tell me then."
She demanded, with the demeanor of a cute 5 year old crossing their eyebrows and asking why they can't stay at the park

"I will, but first..."
I held her hands
I knew my best friend meant me no harm, she was only doing this to invoke Artemis's wrath

"what happened with you? Your favorite ex was here"

I'm afraid that wasn't an exaggeration; Artemis was indeed her favorite ex, she's always said if she winds up unmarried, she would just go and marry her favorite ex. Only the issue with both her exes was that they both cheated on her, that shit doesn't fly with me.

Destiny briefly narrated her side of the story, indeed there was something still there, lingering. Her eyes glistened like a child, this checkup really brought her liveliness back into her usual warm state.

It was baffling to me, how could Artemis care so much for her yet still cheat? I wished I had the chance to inquire after that incident but it would be impertinent of me. Yet, there was something else I was able to fix.

"You deserve to know so here it goes; there's something going on between Asher and I"

She pondered, looking away from me
"That's why..."

Bringing her chin back to face me
"I want you to know if you're genuinely using him to keep Artemis jealous; you can continue to do so."

Contemplating, I assured her

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