My epiphany

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Caelum's pov

I couldn't believe Artemis of all celestials was finally settling down, what was overthrowing my happiness for him was the satisfaction of no longer having to compete for Celeste's affection, I've always known Artemis stood between us. I hated to admit to myself that I was, undeniably, insecure about it; good thing I hide it well though.

Perhaps I didn't believe deep down that I deserved Celeste but then again it wasn't as if I had her heart in my grip anyways.

It's been clear from the beginning that there were no guarantees...

Some days I wonder what would've happened if Destiny hadn't shown up when she had.

My attempts to escape these dark thoughts were lacking.

"So I've been thinking about the guest list"

Celeste's voice pulled me back into reality, upon being at last aware of my surroundings, every little sound that I had tuned out was now clear, I found myself seated at a small beige marble table with a paper titled guest list.

"Oh uh... Artemis didn't specificy so I'm assuming everyone in the 3 adjacent worlds, right?"

Bringing my arms and entire focus to the table

Celeste paused for a moment, taking a long intermittent deep breath. I grew concerned that something was bothering her

"Everyone but one, Merna.."

"She's generally a nuisance but I'm sure she'll behave"

"You don't understand... Merna is in love with Artemis and doesn't mind competing. You see.."

(Dhar mann moment)

"...Whenever Artemis ever got overwhelmed who do you think he goes to ?"

She paused

"Artemis went to her because he thought he had a friendship with her, but all Merna's patience was for another cause; to win him over. And it's not just love but power she seeks"

"I remember you've always felt uneasy because of her. But do you think she would dare do the same with Destiny? At her own engagement party?"

I felt her sadness deep in my heart; not only was I a healer, I was also deeply in love with her, and what hurt her hurt me just as much.

"I am certain... because she always had set the competition between us loud and clear. Telling me no one ever loses to her and that she'd do whatever it takes... I was never sure if Artemis cheated on me with her but she certainly made me feel something was happening"

"Why are you telling me this..?"

A second ago, the concern was Destiny's well-being but now this? Back to square one , speaking about this relationship as if she's still living it...

I couldn't hide how deeply this hurt me

"Because despite what you think, She raised her eyebrows at me "...Destiny doesn't deserve to live with this competition"

what I think..? Are my thoughts audible?

"Tell me Celeste, is this the real reason why you dont want Merna to be there? I know you're trying to protect Destiny but is that the only reason? Be honest with me " I pleaded

Celeste isn't the type who lies but in matters of the heart(Artemis to be exact), she isn't the most sincere.

Tears welled up in her eyes, immediately sobbing

"Merna would always make me feel unworthy of love " She covered her eyes

"Hey! Don't ever say that. Nobody likes her to begin with I mean who's she to be doing that, making you feel this way...and she couldn't be more wrong "

I pulled her into a tight hug as she continued wailing.

I love her...

Is my love not enough?


We're back to that stage where we're talking and crying about Artemis.

I can't believe how this bitch Artemis has everyone wrapped around his little fingers I promised myself I'd be patient, that she'll learn to love me one day.

I took her hands out of her face and wiped her tears with mine, making sure to be gentle against her soft skin.

"I hate seeing you cry, you are worth the thousands of years I've waited. I'll wait thousands more in hopes that I'll one day win over your heart"

She looked up at me and smiled, her eyes glistening like the stars with tears and hopes.

"Thank you for being so patient with me" she sniffed, her nose got all red

I winked as I snuck a kiss on her cheek that in return turned rosy red.

I felt the need to lighten the mood so I started making funny faces and monster voices

"Bad Merna we don't want her"

She chuckled

"Somebody come get that blue-haired Ares descendant bitch before I knock the blue right out of her"

The second laugh was louder, she held her stomach and laughed from the heart. The mood has been restored

It was safe to continue

"Sure, we won't invite her. Do you think Artemis will notice?"

"No one will notice. I can guarantee it."

"You're probably right"

We exchanged laughs and proceeded with the invitations

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