There's no escaping Destiny

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Artemis's pov

In the middle of the library research, I wanted to get a task off my list. There was no better time than the present

I waited for Caelum to leave to Aragon to invade Merlin's potion room, timing his exit perfectly to my benefit.

I snuck in unnoticed.

Yeah I've barely been here half a day but I need to eliminate suspects, my speech marked nothing but the beginning and I'm not all talk no do, so...

In an attempt to carefully not leave any trace of my mischievous endeavors, I carefully collected each object at a time and then restored it to its rightful place. I wanted to brew a truth serum, Irene wouldn't possibly allow it because as she claims it's immoral. Yea like that was going to stop me?

I found it among one of Cae's personal collection, the same book he used last time. Carefully adding the ingredients and heeding the listed instructions, I managed to get it into a glass vile.

"This won't be enough..." My gaze dropped to the vile

"What won't be enough?"

Asher rested against the door frame, my hand immediately hid the glass behind my back as I kept a firm gaze in an attempt to distract him.

"I wanted to brew truth serum"

"You know I can't let you do that" His eyebrows rose in defiance

"B-because I wanted to question the librarian"

Slyly I lied through my teeth

"There's no need to brew it then, because she's fae. The fae can't lie"

He tilted his head to the side

"Oh yea..."

My elevated tone took my act of pretending to be convinced to a whole new level, I may have truly managed to deceive him

"But they are sneaky so be careful, your questions have to be direct. They can't lie but they can avoid answering or distract you into talking about yourself and that is just as bothersome"

I stood there shaking my head and hoping he'd leave.

"Now please get out, Art. This area is off limits for you"

Damn it...

"Right. I'm heading out"

At the door's frame, I passed him with a pat on the back; to hide the vile obviously

"You're doing great buddy. Keep up the good work"

His neck turned towards me in utter confusion, but I left well before he caught on to my fake demeanor.

My feet carried me towards the library or I guess it was something else taking me, but a detour was mandatory; The corner of my eye caught the royal kitchen, the staff were just so preparing lunch

There was no denying that It was a perfect opportunity to use the serum because there was a soup that everyone would drink from.

"Hello everyone"

Waving my salutations, I popped in, incapable of acknowledging my strength, at the very sight of me inside, everyone stopped what they were doing.

Of course, I had my arms behind my back, that's usually the reason.

"Oh please don't stop on my account, I just wanted to drop by and tell you how amazing the food smelled"

I made sure to use as many hand gestures as possible

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