From books to Ash

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Afomia's pov

Asher and I were the only people left in the library, as neither of us finished their work.

This man keeps blinking and looking away... I'm gonna say something

"Yo, what's your problem man?"

"You keep clicking your pen nonstop"

He Gritted his teeth

My gaze dropped to the pen i'd forgotten I even had


Sitting back, I proceeded to so impotently partake in none of the blame

He sat back in his chair, crossing his arms

"It's throwing off my focus"

I pressed my tongue against my palate

"What's the deal with you anyway? I thought healers were supposed to be nice"

"Well, I thought witches were supposed to be ugly-"

He paused, realizing too late that the words he uttered can never be unsaid. His eyes grew feral, his forehead furrowed & he was definitely fighting back tears

"Wait that's not what I... that's not what I meant"

He got up, his gaze never lifted from the book he's spent all afternoon on

I walked up towards him slyly

"You think I'm attractive?"

A flush crept up his face

I admit today, upclose, he wasn't so unbearable to look at.

His fists clenched against the table, so determined not to budge. I grabbed his wrists and turned him around towards me

"Don't be so full of yourself, witch"

"The not so ugly witch? Nah I think I will be"

I teased

His mouth snapped shut

"Asher wasn't it?"

"Don't you think it's a little unfair you know my name and I don't know yours?"

"You'll just have to work for it"

I winked, caressing his veiny arms

It was rather enjoyable, making him so physically unsettled

"You're ... wasting my time"

"Shut up. You haven't flipped a page since morning"

My hands traveled all the way up to his shoulders, he surrendered himself completely and held me by the waist

"Your eyes were elsewhere, no?"

He teased

His shoulders dropped and our eye levels were the same, his breathing got heavy, in his eyes lived an urge he was so adamant against, his words were the only thing fighting, the rest of him surrendered so easily at the touch of my hand

"Tell me more about how not ugly I am"

I had the upper hand, until Audra returned with her book

"Oh Afomia, you're still here good. I've been meaning to ask you about something..."

I tuned out the rest of the question

The upper hand was lost.

Damn it!

Asher's pov

"Yes, Audra?"

Afomia leaned against the brown table,

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