Moon struck 2

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Destiny's pov continues

"If that's what it's going to take, Have it your way, I'll leave you no choice but to forgive me"
Artemis sighed as he turned his back to me.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"-or I will die trying"

Artemis took one last long at me as he passed me on his way the exit, stomping outside, his steps too large for me to run after, but truthfully? I had no intent to.

The realization of his last statement hit me soon after, or i will die trying...
My heart hurts... why does my heart hurt?

I should've followed him, I should've stopped him, but I felt so sick to my stomach, so bloody helpless.

A bit later, with every failing attempt at composing myself, Afomia ventured in with my mother

Afomia:"Des! What happened? Are you okay?"


Mom: "Do you want to talk?"

I shook my head, avoiding everyone's gaze "I've done something terrible..."

I looked at the two women who loved me most in the world, and realized even their love wouldn't save me from my own darkness; I drove my love away willingly and carelessly and I deserved to suffer for it.

"Talk to us, please"
Afomia held me by the shoulder when a suble knock on the opened door interrupted our conversation

"May I come in?"
Celeste asked & I nodded approvingly
Celeste, mom and Afomia's all sat on the table with their focus brought to me.

Celeste held out her hands for me, but I obtained a sudden urge to rage.

They wanted to know, fine.

"Okay to cut it short. And because I'm not going to tell the tale more than once, I reprimanded Artemis for his behavior , he confessed his love for me and in response, I told him I don't forgive him for earlier events."

I paused
"That's that. Now if you'll kindly leave me alone"

I walked towards the french window and took in some air, with the images of what occurred a few seconds ago replaying in my mind.

As I leaned my ear against the white wooden frame, I could hear Caelum's faint whisper
"How is she?"

"I do not know what to make of this"
Mom answered

They're all in happy relationships, I'm surely a joke to them.

"Please, I'm in no need for your pity. I'd like the place to myself now" I snapped again

"Destiny I don't have the best feeling about leaving you alone right now"
Celeste walked up to me, her steps got more audible.

"I agree, you shouldn't be left alone, your energy is worrying me"
Cae added

I turned back to look at Celeste when everything turned pitch black, I felt Celeste's arms catching me well before I hit the ground.

I felt myself being carried away with no sense of direction. Taking a deep breath, I attempted to wake myself up from that state.

Grunting, I sat up to find myself on my bed.
"Destiny! Are you okay?"

My gaze met Cae's who had worry all over him
"Yes... I just felt faint, how long was I out?"

They all exchanged looks of concer "Guys?"

"I'm baffled, why is this happening to you?"
Caelum sat besides me

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