A hint of hope

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Destiny's pov

So, life expectedly has proven over and over that it was not a movie or a Wattpad story, but I so naively hoped he would fight me harder on the friends' suggestion, and it would turn into a cute banter. Now, the pursuit is over...

And I know for certain, that I look healthy... whatever that means...

I am glad that no one has witnessed this embarrassment of a conversation...

Artemis and I needed the presence of literally anyone else, at one point between all the prolonged staring at one another, it would inevitably get dangerous.

How dare he say he will not pursue me any further? This will not slide...

Also, hold up! Does he consider the silent treatment up to now, Pursuing?

Clearing his throat, Artemis put down his cigar and inched his way toward me, without further warning, his warm whispers caressed my ear

"We need to find who did this to you, and when I do, it will be their last day"

Sweet goodness

He slowly backed up, meeting my gaze halfway

"W-why are you whispering...?"
Replying with a whisper as well, I stuttered.

I thank the heavens for the chair maintaining my balance for my knees couldn't, for the life of them, steady my body weight.

"Because I don't think we're entirely alone, princess"
His warm breath echoed through my ear like the remedy to all that's cruel.

I struggled to forcefully awaken myself from this dream state, meeting his soft protective gaze once again  from my downward angle

This was getting rather too dangerous, I hated to admit even the scent of heavy smoke on him was sexy as he hovered over me in genuine worry

"And... because I care for your safety."

Ah just look at us, he cares for my safety, I worry for his health and yet he insists he's done pursuing me. We were fooling ourselves with this game of who would yield, only I knew for a fact, that it wasn't going to be me.

"Artemis..." I breathed out "I'm ready scared..."

"Breathe Destiny,
Warm air gushed over my neck, costing me my ability to focus
"I won't let anyone hurt you, you have my word."

Our eyes met all of a sudden, I was at a loss for words for his blue eyes holding back so much I wished to unravel, Artemis was a world of secrets on his own, and despite his words coming out professional, it didn't conceal the worry lingering in his eyes. I saw right through him.

He treated this relationship as bodyguard-princess strictly, with walls sky high, that had to change. Even if he didn't allocate this alteration.

"So... what are we going to do?"

My gaze traveled up, as Artemis sat back down in his black military jacket, that complimented his hair. I admired the pattern of the lace on those tiny buttons. Naturally, he drew my attention to them for picking at them too much.

Crossing his arms, deep in his thoughts, he called out for a servant to summon the rest for a meeting.

"I'll gladly burn the world for you, Destiny."

Casually, dropping that line as if it were of no concern. He Picked up the cigar once again.

"-But I'm no detective. I need a lead to crack this" He said, Puffing yet another smoke in a rather perfect circle, diminishing into the air

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