The Dawn of it all

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Artemis's pov

Unable to comprehend anything, I dragged myself along and attempted to mend any damages of my doing(or so they claim) along of the way. Yet everyone seems so disappointed in me, a mystery I was yet to unravel.

Not that I don't disappoint from time to time

My top priority was saving Destiny, illnesses are dangerous for humans. Unpredictable even, I wasnt in the slightest , willing to take any chances

"Caelum, I need to talk to you"

I tapped his shoulder, but Caelum was mentally in another dimension

"Hello? Mister healer?"

I popped in his vision frame and waved with my hands

"When did you get here?" Startled, he flinched

"It's been a hot minute"

Upon arrival, my keen observation detected that perhaps he has something of his own going on. The time difference between here and earth grants Destiny more time so it wasn't a worrying matter yet

"So what's going on?"

"What do you mean... nothing is going on" Immediately going for his fingernails, his pupils dilated and his shoulders tensed

Taking my place next to him , I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms
"Well, this is your healing room, the door is slammed shut in your face."
I speculated

His shoulders elevated with the deep long breath he  took, making the place deadly silent afterwards.

"If I didnt know any better, I'd say old Juno fired you" i nudged him

"No, it's Celeste. We found her in the silverware closet. Possibly under a Death spell."

Caelum zoned out completely, I had to shake him back to his senses

Again, I stood facing him, Snapping my fingers

"What the hell do you mean death spell? When was this?"
Agitated, my tone got higher

"During the ball..."
his words barely left his mouth

This dammed ball, nothing went right!

Caelum's crispy tone carried tears alongside it, something ailed him, where it may be a mystery to me it surely wasn't one for him
"You're clearly distressed"
I reasoned, Pulling him into a hug, something unusual for us both but felt required.

The healer flooded my shoulder with tears, lost and running out of time, I was conflicted between Destiny and my friends.

"Why aren't you in there with her?"
Without breaking the hug

"Not redeemed fit to heal"
He muttered

"Other healers are in there with her?"
He sobbed

This is deep...

"Hey, come now you are stronger than this, you know it can be reversed. Worst case scenario, the Celestial council can do it"
Breaking free from the embrace, I gave his shoulders a squeez.
Sudden realization hit. Widening his eyes, he broke free and begun pacing around the hall.

That's more like my Caelum.

"Yea yea, you're right. I completely forgot" As he entangled his fingers in her hair, he nodded to himself, gazing into the distance

A norm for Cae, but why not tease him?

"Okay. You officially look crazy"
I teased
"But now I must tell you of my current dilemma..."

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