Staying alive

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Caelum's pov

Celeste whispered from across the room, holding a candelabra

"Why haven't they come back yet?"

I had to give Destiny a temporary tranquilizer and return her to her chambers, her body was too overwhelmed to benefit anyone never mind her soulmate, her heartbeat stabilized and her blood pressure dropped back to normal.
She dozed off in Afomia and Audra's arms, all 3 of them fell asleep in Destiny's after the most overwhelming night; A night far from over.

"If he really is doing what I think he is, I possess no estimation whatsoever of when he would return."

Celeste: "I don't know... Destiny's body keeps glitching and I can't sit still... how are you so calm?"

I was far from tranquil, but I've developed a sense for worrying about things whenever they come to be rather than beforehand. I'm suffering either way so why do it twice?

"I'm used to it, I guess..."

"What now?"

"Try to get some sleep leslie..."
My gaze traveled around the room, Audra, Afomia and Destiny were all heavily asleep; worn out after all that adrenaline rush, they finally crashed.

"...I reckon they'll be long and we can't leave court to go after them anyways"

She nodded, setting aside her candelabra, she inched her way towards me, squeezing my hand as she at last surrendered to a sound sleep on my shoulder.

Not only is Artemis undoubtedly doing something stupid as we speak, ugh I just know he is and probably thinks he can just surpass me and never confess, but he also locked us in here, preventing my help.

What is so wrong about him receiving help? Heaven forbid he's guided through something for once in his rugged lifetime.

After a while of eating myself away, my eyes soon drifted to a soft light sleep before being awoken by the heavy knocking of the guards.

Sigh. No rest for the wicked.

Celeste:"what's going on?"
She rubbed her eyes awake

"No idea"
I got up and answered the door, barely keeping my balance in the dark, I wobbled all the way to the door.

"What is it?"
"It's his highness, prince Artemis just outside the gate, it appears he's been hurt"

Celeste was up and besides me at this point

"Okay I'm coming"
Wide awake now!
I pulled up my sleeves as I took swift steps behind the guard, Celeste followed me

On top of the stairs, My eyes widen at the sight of Artemis hanging over Asher's shoulders.
I hurried down to help the 2 into the healer lair.

"Asher where were you?!"
He banted, barely catching his breaths as he lowered Artemis into a a bridal style carrying.

He banted
"-The star"

The sight of blood on both of their clothes was more than enough to dry every single blood drop in my veins, my knees felt so loose I could barely stand still. But I had to keep myself together.

"Give him to me now!"

Celeste assisted me in placing Artemis on the patient bed.

"He was stabbed with a stardust knife"
Asher said, his white button up now a freshly stained crimson red as he prepared tools.

If even half that blood on their clothes was my best friend's, it left no other choice other than-
"He needs surgery"
I deduced

"Yeah, Merlin said so too"
As the clacking of his metal tools against one another caused a ruckus in the once-quiet night.

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