the Dark horse & the golden snake 1

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Artemis's pov
"I want to have tea before dinner..." Audra announced

"As you wish, Reina."
Caspian obliged

"And please, no armor in my tea room."
Audra's tight smile and quick blinking at me was a sign of some sort; I couldn't quite wrap my head around it.

Reagan and I dropped our armor outside on the soft grass, per Audra's request.

As we all headed inside court together... all 9 of us...I couldn't help but wonder how we would all fit in Audra's tiny tea room.

Celeste nudged me, whispering within the crowd we marched with, down the long hallway, towards Audra's tea room.

"A quick word of advice from your future royal counselor?"
I nodded, eyeing her in obscurity

Celeste dragged me to the back row as Cae tag-teamed us, walking exactly between the 2 men keen on destroying my chances with Destiny.

Caelum spread his arms over Reagan and Caspian and did his thing; analyzed them.

"So gentlemen, what's your tea of choice? As a healer I personally feel it can tell you a lot about a person."

Baffled by the means, never by Cae himself, I really ached to know their tea of choice. But that was a short term fantasy that Celeste snapped me out of real soon.

"Audra is doing you a favor,
She held me by the wrist in a firm grasp, her face dead serious.


We stood still, my neck turned left and right as I watched the rest go up ahead, their marching against the wooden tiles high enough to mask Celeste's obvious attempts.

"Artemis I cannot stress this enough, you can NOT let Caspian and Reagn out of your sight."

"I won't. I promise."

"Also, you need to tell Caspian about Demetri."

"No buts! Now go!"
She pushed me forward, right into the crowd... right besides Destiny who appeared nonchalant.

"Why hello there, if it isn't heaven herself." I lowered myself to whisper in her ear

"Can't I whisk you away into a little archery practice sometime? My aim is said to be...."
Staring down her low cut red dress, I paused to compose myself once again
"...quite impeccable."

Destiny rolled that sexy pair of eyes at me, giving me attitude. "No you may not. You're the body guard, don't overstep your boundaries"
Destiny turned away with a cynical smile, tapping my shoulder, tightly squeezing it, her hair's edges softly caressed my buttons and her strawberry & vanilla scent blessed my nose as she carelessly passed by me.

She went up ahead, carrying that long dress off the floor with her cute chubby fingers on a pair of small hands.

A cruel one that Destiny of mine, surpassing me entirely as if I were nothing, I had no right to be hurt; after all, I've done this to myself. Regrettably...

Stuck in my own head, I drifted into a world of memories... thats it, I desperately needed to change my game plan.

Afomia and Asher tutted at me in synch in utter judgment. I had a crowd to witness my embarrassing performance.

"Shut up."
I mouthed

"I would crumble up and die if I were you... so embarrassing"
Afomia titled her head towards me, chuckling to herself.

Cruel, but once again, I acknowledge that I brought this on myself.

Audra welcomed us to her tea room, it seemed like she had our seating arrangements in mind well before entering.

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