The words of Art

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Caelum's pov

Artemis and I were expected to meet with the celestial council only they'd sent once again; a representative, a completely unqualified one for that matter.

I'd let Artemis guide the process, dozing off halfway through the meeting as we went over it a million times before.

"... and that concludes our findings so far, only I cannot see any reason as to why we should continue with this research"
Artemis blinked, giving him attitude with a muffled expression

The representative took Artemis's notes and mine and packed them away in his rusty brown file with the remarkable Celestial council's golden stamp.

"It is by far crucial to obtain all the information we need." The representative said

"It's going nowhere! Is it their majesties assumption that we will find a chapter on how to curse someone's star? Followed by one chapter on how to undo it?!" Artemis snapped

"I will bring them back all your findings to further discuss-"

Artemis slammed his palm against the table, forcing me up and out of my relaxed position.

There goes my power nap

"This requires extreme measures and I want them authorized."
Artemis tapped continuously on the table, asserting his dominance.

"Your highness, as you're well informed; I'm merely performing my duties"

The short fellow held his round thin glasses, sliding them above his forehead and on to his halfway balding head

"Like hell you are!"
Artemis slammed the table once again, causing both me and Peter to flinch

"You are absolutely incompetent!

For a moment there, he carried a close resemblance to his mother. Hell, he would kill me with his bare hands if I dared utter those words.

Artemis walked towards him, grabbing him threateningly by the collar
"Where is Agatha? Caldor? Zaria?"

Peter stuttered with his answer

"Am I a fucking joke to you?!"
he glared at him with the most intimidating set of eyes that shot thunderously

"N-no your highness"
He looked away in fear as blood left his facial expression

"Then the next time, they better show their faces or actually send you with answers, or you won't be welcomed here at court."

The poor fellow hyperventilated as Art and his crazy eyes tightened her grip around his collar even more

"Have I made myself clear?"
Threatingly Pulling him even closer.

Now I gotta fix things because no else around here would...

Exhausted, I got up to pull Artemis off him

"Artemis please, the man is just doing his job"

"He'd better start doing it better...."
He puffed

"Come on now,

Pulling Artemis even further with a firm glare. Try as he might, nothing he does can ever faze me.

"Thank you Peter"
I smiled at him, guiding him towards the door as I shielded him from the feral cat with my body.

Upon his departure, I slammed the door behind him and pushed Art onto the chair, holding on to his shoulder

"Let me at him damn it!"

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