Reverse Rapunzel

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Destiny's pov

I've been pacing around my room all day, I know the only way out is through the balcony, which i will definitely use to jump... My heart dropped at the very thought.

Out of nowhere, thundershowers and

Rain poured outside my window, the sky turning black and purple. I guess I will have to wait until it's over, I'm more scared of the thunder than the balcony escapes, it's my worst fear.

I'm still rationalizing my situation, my options are:

- It could be a sick prank? God I am sooo going to kill Afomia when I get back.

-This so-called Artemis is holding me hostage for a ransom, I'm literally broke though...

-I'm officially kidnapped by this stalker Artemis I just became his prisoner.

Well, the point is. It can't be this high, can it? I'll wait till it's over... I must admit this white nightgown I woke up in feels fancy.

Artemis's pov

I've been trying to distract myself, from what felt like a rejection, with royal duties. It has caught my mother by surprise but the truth is; the more I wallow in my misery, the less sane I become, I simply needed a distraction from my discouraging thoughts, and for a moment I almost forgot who I was, pretty desirable at that...

Yeah right, I'm barely presentable for Destiny, who am I kidding?

I went about my day, going through kingdom matters with mother and showing genuine interest. I believe it also helped ease the thunderstorms on Earth, I looked outside and the sky seemingly cleared up. I was indeed feeling better about myself after drinking my insecurities away so I decided I would see her later on and hopefully, my second impression would be better than the first

It was suddenly quiet, too quiet ...

This immensely cold silence, as if time stood still. I could hear the wind outside more distinctively, the servants muttering, mother's heels tapping on the marble floors, and my thoughts clashing with each other in what seemed like a million voices.

Suddenly, I felt my heart ache badly, Something was wrong with Destiny I just know it...

I ran to her room frantically, her balcony door was wide open and she was nowhere to be seen.

where was she?!

I held on to her balcony's rails with my head between my shoulders in a stooped posture barely holding on with my sweaty hands and uneasy breathing. *Where could she have gone?!*

Being the startled mess I am, I thought of nothing else but to call out for her. "Destiny!"

The moment I uttered her name, I heard her screaming

"Over here! "

Her once cute daring tone, now a trembling pleading one


Where is she? I'm going to lose it

The scream sounded like it came from a bit further down, I glanced over the rails, bending forward, and saw a tiny head hanging on to the bottom of my floating castle, I took out my wings and immediately flew downwards; finding my way to her.

Approaching her slowly, I was about to go off but she was barely holding on with her fingertips, struggling to remain balanced.


it's always the hot ones but with a hint of crazy, what was she even thinking of doing?

"help..." she winced

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