The Olive Branch

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Destiny's pov

I hated that we had to go back, but it was inevitable. My nerves were something else; I did not know what to expect, I barely knew Artemis to begin with nevermind his friends!

We only do the things we do in life because of our fakse sense of a wild adventure ahead; but perhaps this time, it isn't a false sense.

The servants had a dinner table set with the finest dishes and decorations for the four of us. It felt like it came out of nowhere over the course of a few hours.

The cutlery carefully arranged around plates, long white candles, each wrapped around in white lace as if each end were a bouquet and in the middle of it, red ribbons , it was the first thing you'd see once you look at the candles; the red, making an appearance, making itself seen and somehow heard.

In the middle of the table layed a golden olive branch made into a crown, raining an oddly familiar sense on me.

Looking over my shoulder after carefully examining the table was the fireplace already lit, without firewood , giving a warm soothing vibe.

Besides the candles,  it was the only light source taking over the room's hue.

I looked back at Artemis who's gaze was fixated on me as he was leaning sideways on the door frame.

His eyes examined me, traveling up and down , a smug smile tugged at his lip's corner.

"Looks to me like you have a few questions"

My gaze escaped his and went directly back to the table

"It seems familiar... like I've seen it in on cavas or a movie; the golden olive branch, I mean, for some reason "


He shot me an eyebrow lift clearly remembering something as he proceeded to walk towards me.

"You must be thinking Greek Mythology, gods and goddesses"

I gasped at that, everything made sense
"Yes! Exactly that" Pointing with my index finger "like the plays we did at school!"

"Well where do you think the stories came from?"

He hovered over me with a whole new flavor of smugness; I liked it ngl.

Boy did i have questions but all of a sudden, I found myself captive to the moment.

I needed a good longing gaze at him, a stranger to myself is what I've become.
Artemis represented everything I hated, everything I was against.
I was under a spell , I must be, why else am I still here when the stereotypical Destiny would have been on Earth, attempting to erase this day from her memory?
I found myself predicting his next move, which will it be? Arms crossed, arms behind his back or maybe just maybe, wrapped around me?

"Penny for your thought?"

That question caught me off guard, sounding louder to me than it actually was.
He drew exceptionally closer, leaning in towards me and just when I thought it was a kiss, he pulled away, bringing my hair behind my ear.
I couldn't predict it I guess , but still, there was a bomb to be dropped.

"I think you know... what I wish to ask"

"Darling, you are among the gods."
Giving it a side glance, he winked

A squeel escaped me "the stories are true?!"

"Some are exaggerated, fabricated." He puffed, thinking to himself "But let's just say; yes"

"Oh my! I have so many questions ..."

"And I'm at your whim."
A warm smile graced my eyes, I couldn't help but return it.

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