Blue is the new black

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Destiny's pov

I felt like a midget among those tall princesses, with their halo crowns making them even more gigantic! Can't say they weren't friendly though, they hovered over Afomia and me with endless questions, Afomia loved the spotlight which was a great help to me because I hated it.

"Did you like it here?" A princess asked

"Oh very much, I just haven't gotten used to it..." I shook it off, grabbing my elbow with my hand and praying no one noticed what a bundle of nerves I was

Afomia whispered, force-kneeling us both "Where is Artemis?"

"I don't know, I was swamped with questions since after the dance that I lost him"

An old man came forward, interrupting my whisper tent with Afomia, wearing a long navy blue cape with stars "Princess Destiny?"

"Who are you?" Afomia crossed her arms in suspicion

Overlooking Afomia, he looked straight at me"I believe the prince had gone upstairs"

"Oh really? thanks" I breathed, picking up my pace

I went up to see what was taking Artemis so long, crossing my fingers I didn't ruin a surprise for myself

There was a surprise for me alright... A surprise that ruined the night, wrapped in blue hair with legs around my man's waist.

He promised me nothing but to be truthful to me, to us...

My feet carried me far away from this situation long before my eyes caught up.

Frantically, I went down the stairs, breathing heavily and struggling to hold on to the handrail. I paused midway, caught between not wanting to believe my eyes and being afraid to go down to face the guests; those envying my perfect new life.

My body surrendered to gravity, I started wailing silently on the stairs, holding my face between my hands in an attempt that no one would hear me. I've never cared so much for someone this way before. Now, I find myself stranded, lost, and downright vulnerable.

Having no air left for me to breathe, I removed my hands from my face, a silent whimper escaped me as more followed, they were nearly to hold back.

There was nothing to do except convince myself to asses the situation myself.

The ball downstairs was indeed inevitable, the guests will start wondering about the whereabouts of their hosts. I wiped my tears, pulled myself up using the handrail, and went up to Artemis's room once again. All for the sake of convincing myself it was all an illusion, that it wasn't real. And for that, I needed to see for myself before judging.

My heart was pounding at the thought of what the closed door would reveal to me. I dared not open my eyes, so with them closed I pushed the door open, releasing a deep breath, gradually opening them to inspect the room.

My eyes landed on a sleeping Artemis then darted to the sheets around him, looking extremely messy from the room's entrance. Lastly, what I attempted to avoid most of all, the damned bureau.

You have to see for yourself, Destiny

Indeed, two wine glasses one finished and one halfway through, the blue-haired girl was nowhere to be found but she was definitely here...

I talked myself into going further inside for a more thorough investigation. Because I could not believe my eyes just yet.

The only thing I could think of was to wake Artemis.

I called and I called but nothing... He was even smiling in his sleep, murmuring something I couldn't put together.

I reached for his shoulder to wake him up only to notice a piece of blue fabric, pulling it from under the sheets, it made itself abundantly clear. Mocking me and my foolishness.

That darn shade of blue is exactly what that bitch was wearing

I've decided I've seen enough and my escape is ineludible. And to believe I almost gave up my life on Earth for this?

Men are good for nothing but cheating and breaking hearts, hearts with nothing but affection for them.

I ran downstairs, keeping my composure, hoping to find the oracle to take me home.

The princesses swarmed around me the minute I got into the ballroom, my escape had to be postponed, they were too tall to look over their shoulders for the oracle. I had to play it out.

"Take me home!" I demanded, pulling her arm

"Whatever has happened child?" astonished, she held my hands in wonder

"TAKE ME HOME" I wept, unable to hold it in any longer "Please.."

She nodded "Wait in thee balcony, I shall go get Afomia"

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