A case of cold feet

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Destiny's pov

Standing between Artemis and his mother as they went back and forth in their displays of power wasn't my top moment to be precise. Absolutely draining, to say the least...

I find myself stranded in the sky no less, my life on earth wasn't all that fulfilling but it was at the very least, under my control.
I opened my eyes to Artemis, my husband. Whom I've never met before!
Even before all that talk of soulmates, I've felt drawn to him, it didn't make logical sense but somehow felt right...?
His firm gaze, how he defended me from his mother, and his constant hot and cold behavior. There was a lot to unravel, but one thing was for sure; my life was no longer mine to live...
I went back to my room and threw myself face-first on the bed. I had to think things through
Okay so:
Why would he come back for me? Was it just the bond or did he feel something..? I genuinely embarrassed him, he probably won't trust me now...
But I'm all by myself now!
Maybe he didn't care enough what happened to me after my escape attempt. Hell, he doesn't even want to stay in the same room as me!
I can't blame him, he definitely hates me... I'm in a relationship I didn't even choose so why am I upset when he requires space from me?

Fine, I'll ask him to take me back to earth...
I plunged my face in the pillow hoping this is all a dream...

Artemis's POV
I should probably check on her...
That was an unnecessary dramatic exit she has no fault in my issues whatsoever
Maybe I'll check on Celeste while I gather my words and hope they're decent enough for her.
I flew to Cae's kingdom, he was less salty than usual when he greeted me.
  Celeste was also up, my eyebrows went up involuntarily in surprise at the sight of them both seeming to have warmed up to each other unexpectedly.
"Celeste! You're up. How are you feeling"
I sat next to her on the bed
"I'm better but still not ready to go out there just yet."
"Celeste you have no idea how bad i feel about everything..."
I held my elbow

Caelum rolled his grey eyes at me

"It's fine now Artemis, because if it weren't for all of that happening, I wouldn't have had a heart to heart with Cae here."
Caelum warmed up again, held Celeste's hand and kissed it, both their eyes locked with each other, smiling flirtatiously It dawned on me...
An unfamiliar feeling completely washing over me...
I was taken back, My thoughts clashed with one another
"You two?! How did this happen?"
Caelum:" well we've been bitching about you ever since she woke up and I finally came forward with why I hated you so much..."

At that statement , each blink of mine was a good minute apart from the next one, my thoughts were completely paralyzed...
"Why didn't you ever say anything Cae? I would have stepped aside for you but instead we wasted a thousand years of our friendship!"
Caelum:" I didn't think I was good enough for her . Nontheless, so I focused on my myself and became a healer."
Celeste:"Truth be said, I've never felt so appreciated before..."
The sight of them together actually made my heart flutter, and maybe a little jealous? It was a good wake up call that all I need is a little more courage in facing the obstacles, I might need help though... "Hey guys... do you think you could help me with something?"
Cae teased " with your little princess?"
I nodded
Celeste :" I'd love to help."
Cae:" you must be well first, my love." Celeste:" I feel so much better already "
The intense eye contact between them finally got to me; I wasn't jealous because I regret losing Celeste ; I wanted what they had for myself; this sense of warm familiarity with one another, to get my chance with Destiny and be able to express myself. But even if it took long or never happened, I would deserve it... I've hurt Celeste consistently and in each time, without any consideration... and this is my karma.
Celeste snapped her finger at me
" Hey! Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Sink into one of your dark pits and deprive yourself from happiness for thinking you don't deserve it."
Damn , what gave me away? I wondered

"Your face, Artemis. Your face gave you away." Cae smiled

I rested my head on the palm of my hand, lowering my posture.
Caelum tuned to me
He sighed
"I see the most of humans from here, I come down to earth on moonless nights and they're not that difficult to understand. You can easily impress her. The real question is how well can you communicate your feelings?
" Celeste:"yea not your strongest suit, Artemis."
I hated nothing more than to admit it but they were right
"So, what do i do?"
Cae:"why you asking us for ? Go to her. Talk to her. Tell her about yourself, ask about her life on earth you idiot."

I nodded, mentally taking notes
"The thing is, what is there to say? "
Celeste:" oh i got it! Since you need help..."
she turned to Caelum, excitedly holding his hands
"Let's help her out babe. Why don't you invite her on a dinner tomorrow night?We'll talk well of you to her."
Cae :"then without doubt it will be a rather dry conversation."

Caelum choked on a laugh, keeping his vile comments to himself

"Fine then" Celeste added "...about our relationship with you, tell embarrassing stories about you and what not."
Cae" because we've always been the healthiest of friends right?"
He rolled his eyes, bet he held that one in for a while

"Celeste that's a wonderful idea Really, you two are definitely the closest to what I might consider friends. But there's a bit of an issue, have you forgotten you're my ex fiancé?"

Cae sarcastically remarked
"If you ask me, let that be the first topic of

"Caelum!" Celeste snapped again

I looked away in utter shame
"I have no intention of hiding it or lying about it but ... this is so complicated"
Celeste:"come on I'm coming with my own date, and since you'll lay everything out on the table, she'll have nothing to worry about."
"I guess... "

Caelum:" go! Stop ogling at us for answers. Talk to the girl, go"
He physically shoo-ed me away

I got up and promised them to make progress
I flew back to court. Landing on her balcony , I knocked on her glass door.
She was startled to see me but she came
running to open the door
"You're here."
Destiny looked up at me with the most innocent pair of eyes, the wind blowing in her fiery red hair.
Heavens how am i supposed to remember what I came here for? Those darn innocent eyes...
"I came to tell you something. More of an idea, really. If you're up for it of course"

She turned her face away from me
"I also have something to tell you..."
We were both so nervous , the temperature dropped to an icy cool breeze...
"You go first Destiny."

"No, please, you came all the way..." "Okay,um... I wanted to invite you for dinner here tomorrow, To meet my friends."
"Oh. Okay..."

"They're the Sun princess and the Moon prince."
I looked at her pale face losing color all at once, as she held on to the door knob
"I'd love to..."

I grew concerned of this sudden reaction "
Destiny are you okay? Should i get the healer "
"I'm fine, I'm fine"
"You don't look fine... why dont you sit down." I guided her by the waist to her bed
"What did you have to say?"
"Oh it's... not important."
"Destiny come on, i want to do my best for this bond. Help me out..."
She hold her arms in distress
"Please , close the door behind you..."
I obliged
"What's up?"
"I want you to take me-"
She paused
She cannot mean that...
I wouldn't hesitate, my self control is hanging by fine thread ...
She continued "- back to earth..."
I had to control my reaction, I won't show her it bothers me. That I care...

Back to my Icy cold nature i go, it's safer for me, to protect my heart.

I turned away from her, facing the glass door
"As you wish. What of tomorrow's dinner? "
"I'll attend tomorrow. But afterwards I want you to take me back "
The excessive use of take me was driving me insane , I ignored it.
Doing everything in my power to avoid looking at her, i bid her farewell with my back towards her, throwing a subtle glance over my shoulder.
"Goodbye Destiny."
I flew out her balcony and to my own.

I didn't have the heart to tell Celeste and Caelum... I wasn't used to being rejected... she wishes to be as far away from me as possible but I wanted her near.
I keep pushing her away and only have myself to blame She hasn't given this place a chance, I can't say she's at fault for that; I keep her in her room all day...
I'll hide in my room until I'm ready.
Smart enough, right?

Author's note
What will happen at the dinner?
What's behind all this abstinence and pride?
Find out

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