The Runaway Bride

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Artemis's pov

I woke up to find myself in my bed with the nastiest hangover and absolutely no memory of last night.

What was I doing before?

I pondered every possible scenario that would've caused me to pass out at such hour.

Pushing my body to sit up, I scanned my surroundings for answers. Merely because when I get drunk out of my mind, I usually end up on the floor. Never the bed...

"Ugh my head"
I groaned, pressing my hands onto my drowsy head for support

"I've got to stop drinking at the most minor inconveniences"

Not that I remember any happening
I Slipped out of bed and onto the vanity, my vision was still blurry at best but my hands worked just fine. And guess what I grabbed?
A ring box

Not just any ring box; A special velvet ring box that felt so smooth and warm, it overwhelmed me with glee

And then, just then, everything came back to me


The ball!

I ran downstairs like a maniac , holding the handrail only to find the place completely deserted, wiped clean.

The large balcony windows were left open, allowing gusts of wind inside, tickling my skin and blowing my hair out of my face. The night was chilly, I felt cold and uneasy. Defeated and confused. Lost perhap.

The dizziness had a strong hold on me still, I had no choice but to go to mother,giving the circumstances I wouldn't have had the heart for that kind of conversation sober otherwise.

I looked back towards the stairs and there she was; descending, my arms instantly tied behind my back

She interrupted, raising her palm against my face

"Do you have any idea what it is you have done?"

"No. But I-"
I released my arms from the knot and attempted to fend for myself

"Save it Artemis, I do not wish to hear it. All was going well and then out of nowhere everyone started leaving"
She walked around the empty ball room, taking each step as loudly as she could, making sure each one echoed with the sound of her heel and doing the most to avert her gaze from mine.

"Where's Destiny?"
My tone grew serious

"Don't you remember?"
I shook my head

This stilted conversation was trapped in mother's love of humiliation but i wasn't going to have it.

"Where. Is. Destiny?"

"The oracle took my permission to leave along with her granddaughter and grand goddaughter, as she'd been distressed"
"Destiny was distressed?"

She nodded
"Crying even."

"Well why didn't you stop her from leaving? And where was I in the midst of all this?"

An aggressive tone escaped me, I was cross with mother who did nothing to help, except judge and let me drown in my own mess ; as per usual.

"Because it is you she's upset with. Now, I'm not one to tell you what to do, but you must fix this; it is dangerous for soulmates to be apart."

I released a long sigh, my fingers entombed in my scalp attempting to find a getaway.

Destiny does nothing but escape me, was this a ruse all along just for her to make a run for it?

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