From rags to riches

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Destiny's pov

Afomia was too afraid to stay in her room, despite being mesmerized with it's every detail. So she put on the white gown that's been set for her and came to mine.

"I feel like royalty"

That was the last thing she said before dozing off, preceded by a big yawn.

It wasn't my first time up here and I just missed my night adventures with Artemis, Yet I simply couldn't let him win. Too prideful for that, I admit.

That was before I started gazing into the night, particularly the star Artemis and I caught together, perhaps it's because I hadn't seen it in a few days but it looked a tad bit different.

Hm whatever it's probably my imagination

What were Queen Juno's terms I wonder?

The night sky was clear, glistening with stars, until suddenly it wasn't...

A thunderstorm broke out of nowhere

It wasn't even preceded by rain!

Well, you know what....This can't be a coincidence

I got up, stomped to Artemis's room, and knocked

"I knew you'd come"

There it is again, that smug arrogance...

As usual, he knew what he was doing, he knew exactly how to draw me in. It felt to me as if his brown wooden door was also mocking me, it could not possibly be so late at night and myself so sleepy that I began hearing the laughter of mockery.

Pushing it open, I was ready to fight and beat him in his own game.

"Smooth Artemis, real smooth..."

I leaned on the door frame with my arms crossed wearing a judgmental look

"I'm smooth? Look who's becoming a mini-me." an ungodly smirk chilled my bones

Looking down at my posture, I realized he was right.

Immediately changing my posture, I avoided his smug gaze

But that wasn't about to distract me from what I mainly came here for.

"Ugh shut up"

"How else are we supposed to have a conversation?" Raising a single eyebrow at me

"This is your doing isn't it?" I Pointed to the balcony referring to the storm outside

His eyes traveled into the night's dark stormy sky now deprived of stars, utterly concealed in the folds of lightning. "Depends."

"On what?" My hands dropped to my hips

"Would you keep coming back if it was?"

His eyes exhibited a hint of sadness

...Would I still keep coming back if it was?... A question like that shouldn't be anchoring me to the bottom of the ocean as fast as it did, a simple yes or no would rid me of this torment but it was clear I'd already gotten my answer, why else would I come here this late?

I sighed loudly

"Make room for me you big douche"

A playful victorious laugh emerged from his mouth

We snuggled up like teenagers on a sleepover, both laughing to ourselves.

"Just so you know," His deep voice fading "it wasn't intentional..."

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