Night Circus

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Afomia's pov

Ever since Destiny got back from that motorcycle escape, she hasn't been the same, just staring into the distance, her eyes dull and emotionless and not a single tear was shed; it's not like Destiny to not be a cry baby.

I was lucky enough to hear a few phrases and assemble segments of the tale

She was at her lowest, leaving her unattended to freely drown in the depth of despair was not in the cards for me.

"Get up"
I stormed in

"Leave me be Afomia"
Gazing into her roof filled with glow in the dark stars, She just had to bring them from her childhood room... Still a freaking kid I swear

"I will do no such thing, we're going out"

"I dont wanna"
She whined, stuffing her face into her pillow

"Well you're already making progress, this is the first time you opened your mouth since yesterday"

You could tell, I clapped with fake enthusiasm

"Close the door Afomia."

I slid right inside to open the closet door
"You can wear sweatpants and a hoodie, I'll allow it"

My hand went straight on my heart for a genuine promise.

"You're not going to give this up it seems..."
Destiny let out a huge sigh of disappointment, but in her eyes, a thought circled through until she finally gave in
"Fine. But I'm not socializing"
She warned

"We won't have to, we're going to a carnival!"

Somewhere loud enough for her not to be able to hear herself think.

Our eyes caught in a death defying glare ,It was going to be a long night no doubt...

Destiny pulled the hoodie's cap on and it never went back down, the entire time she wrapped her arms around herself and never looked up, it worried me that she didn't resist getting on the games she would never back down from on a normal Sunday.

Darts? Never made it into the air

The haunted house? Not even a flinch.
Kids Carousel? She plunged further into the darkness.

Yea these games aren't really Destiny's cup of tea but anything else was too couple oriented and... I wasn't trying to pull her further down the rabbit hole.

My gaze fell upon something else that fired another idea within me

"Hey look a photo booth!"
I shouted

My last hope of getting a reaction from her, I pulled her by the wrist and dragged her inside by force

Pulling her cap down myself, I pressed the start button and pulled her into a hug

"Come on, let's make silly poses, you love those!"

The flashing light was too quick to snap 4 pictures, not that it made a difference with Destiny, she's the same dull lifeless look in all 4 of them.

The photo film was of special quality, it was unfortunate that our pictures were, to put it nicely, not it.

A chill caught my neck from behind, I turned around, pushing my voluminous curls to see a woman fanning her chestnut brown hair looking me up and down, her bright green eyes peeked from over the fan telling stories on their own.

She pointed at me with her long sharp blue nails and gestured to follow her, I couldn't quite interpret the sensation but something within me felt a magnetic pull. The people walked between us and I almost lost her in the crowds

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