Late night dive

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Artemis's POV

What a night... Caspian would end me if we could, if it weren't for Audra I swear...

I practically ran to find Cae, Celeste opened their room's door for me

"Hey Celeste"
"You got a minute?"
Throwing my tired body onto their bed

"Artemis... I wasn't expecting you" Her gaze astray, she yawned

"Where's Cae?"
With a confused expression on her face, she slightly squinted, still standing at the door

"I'm waiting for him to come. What's up?"

"Caspian just showed up... he still remembers our last encounter. I wasn't on my best behavior to be precise-"
I rambled, only Celeste tightened her grip around her robe."

"Oh... really?"

"Technically, he was worse but still I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm barely getting back to square one with Destiny yet I'm on square negative with Caspian..."

A tired surrendering sigh left my lips, as I distracted myself with the ceiling's marvelous decorations.

"You seem stressed out"

"I am." I sighed

"Why don't you take a dive in the lake? It will ease your mind no doubt"

"I dont know maybe I'll just head to the training lair... blow off some steam"

"Why not go swimming for a change? It's athletic enough for a workout yet relaxing enough to relieve your tensed shoulders"

"Are you sure about this, Cel?"
As she proceeded to throw a fur coat in my face
"Bring this with you just in case you get cold"
"But Cel, why are worrying about me getting cold when you're the one who's half dressed?"

"Because it's warm here unlike the lake, come now, it'll be good for you i just know it"
I was pushed out the door, she talked as fast as a human rapper, not giving me a chance to reply

"Now go"
She shooed me, in literal sense

"Oh... you're uh..."
My eyebrows flickered with the realization of what I could've interrupted had I came a little later.

"Fingers crossed."
She smiled

Reluctantly, I head out to a midnight dive for my supposed mental health where I could've been in denial about being over Destiny between Celeste and Caelum instead!

Alas what could I do? My friends deserve a breather from me.
The fog was heavy and blindsiding , causing me to step onto some mud.

"Ugh Great. My shoulders tensed up more"

The cool breeze caught my skin in goosebumps at first, but it soon grew on me. I took off everything I was wearing except for the shorts I don't quite recall wearing. Carefully placing everything at an arm's length from the lake to keep it from getting wet, I finally surrendered for the water It was ice cold, My entire body got numb for a few seconds, I found myself sinking further down until I had finally restored the feeling in my limps.

Then I swam up to the surface again to get some air, it was refreshing, Celeste's idea didn't disappoint I floated for a while before deciding to dive again, I'd expected the bottom to be dark yet I was met with some illuminating cattails and pickerelweed, they'd provided me with a chance to grasp the wildlife underwater despite its velvety fuzziness.
The most beautiful bale of painted turtles passed me in a diamond formation, I even caught a glimpse of a giant tale of an animal.
After being Truly enchanted with everything ,I'd decided this dive has fullfilled its purpose, but the more I came up to the surface, I'd come to witness the most peculiar thing, it looks as if there are vibrations coming from the surface, something was blocking the moon light.

         And it has red hair
Awfully familiar red hair... My idiot redhead

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