The Finale: New Beginnings

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Artemis's pov

I looked over at my beautiful bride walking towards the altar after overcoming every obstacle to be together and I couldn't hold back my tears, nor could I stop myself from falling in love all over again.

It felt like a journey between two worlds; the distance between us, I wanted her near, I needed her standing beside me to believe this wasn't a dream.

Afomia sounded out from Destiny's side of the altar, holding up her bouquet of red roses in front of her beige sequin dress.

With Celeste behind Afomia in a matching dress, cae and Asher both behind me and my mother and Audra in the first row, I felt my family was complete.
Destiny finally made her way to where I was standing, I took her hand from Caspian and kissed it.
"You look beautiful my love."
I smiled
She was so adamant about me not seeing the dress before the ceremony, something about it being bad luck. As difficult as it proved, I honored her wishes.
For some reason, I thought she and Demetri would agree on a white dress; human style; just like the rest of the ceremony. Only I was met with a soft beige off shoulder A-line cut layered dress with a red velvet corset that matched her hair, with a golden crown that complimented the beige shade.

"I know"
she teased
"You look good too."

After our ceremony, it was time to converse with the millions of guests... we weren't going anywhere else until we do... whether we liked it or not.

Most of the guests complimented the atmosphere and embellishments of the event, a human based ceremony had only happened once; Audra and Caspian's.
Nevertheless it was nothing less than spectacular.

Lydia made her way over to us "Congratulations for the happy couple!" She clapped

"Thank you Lydia"
I smiled

Destiny smiled too, but rather unpleasantly with a muffled hum.

"I've always had faith in your relationship, remember what I told you Artemis? I- I mean your majesty-"
She took a step back, holding her brown one shoulder dress off the floor

"Lydia, Artemis is just fine. You're a friend. And yes,"
I laughed, taking Destiny's waist in my hand and engaging my eyes with Destiny's image
"I do remember, you said out story would yet to be over."

There was something making Lydia uneasy, I had suspected Destiny's piercing glares but those didn't seem to discourage Lydia from chatting me up. So what was it?

Destiny:" I hope one day you find the perfect person for you, Lydia. And be as happy as we are"
Her hand caressed my stomach as she smiled once again at Lydia.

Only Lydia was still on edge; looking left and right as if to avoid someone's gaze.
"Lydia is something the matter?"

"So where are you going after this?" She banted

Destiny:" to Aragon, Artemis is gifting me a jewelry room, how lucky am I?"
She gloated

"It's the least I can do for my queen."

Destiny: " she promised all sorts of romantic venues and places I've never been."

"Oh what about your coronation?"
Nervous Lydia scratched her exposed arms, embracing herself in the process

"After our honeymoon, we'll throw another grand celebration this time, it will be organized by the queen mother Juno."

Lydia: "Nice, well I wish you the best of luck... bye now!"
She ran off, disappearing within seconds

"Oh there goes your biggest fan"
Destiny nudged me with her elbow, folding her arms and looking away from me
"And there goes your fiancé"
Leaning towards her sideways as my eyes witnessed Reagan marching down towards us

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