Black Swan

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Caelum's pov

"Is he gone?"
I whispered from under the bed

"Yes its safe now" Celeste giggled "Come out already"

Rolling from underneath the bed, I pulled myself up.

"So where were we?"
I teased, fake clearing my throat as I inched my way towards her.
Celeste pointed for me to come closer, and I didn't hesitate this time.

The next day

I woke up before she did, she radiated like the rays of sun itself with the morning breeze, capturing the essence of the moment entirely; I Wondered to myself how did I get so lucky?

"Good morning"
She scratched her eyes and then covered them

"Ugh I'm so embarrassed"

"Don't be."
I pulled her hands out of her face, meeting her gaze up close as I hovered over her

"It was a dream come true"

Her caramel eyes glistened with an innocent glow
"I cant imagine going downstairs and facing everybody"

"Not to worry, I've sent for our breakfast"
Tucking a few golden strands behind her ear, a hint of a blush stained her cheecks pink rose.
We were caught off guard by subtle knocks on the door

"I'll get it.
Lucky for us, our breakfast tray was left at the door; frankly I wasn't ready to face the world yet either; I wished to relive last night's events a million times over.

My tastiest breakfast yet, with all the glances, I definitely didn't even look down my plate. Still, I knew what I was having.

"So what are we doing today? Same as always?"
"Something tells me today will be different; I would have wanted to escape the ruckus of the world with you, but I can't shake off my uneasy feeling"

"You and your uneasiness"
Celeste teased, feeding me a spoonful

"I'm definitely expected downstairs"
"No stay. Asher is the healer here... they can manage..."
Her lips pouted

"Well, It is too early for me to go-"
I winked
"But anyways, what did Artemis want?"

Celeste burst out with the cutest laugh

"You won't believe it. Ugh now I wanna know what happened"
"What happened with what exactly?"
I sat up

"Caspian came back last night, they all had dinner, imagine him and Artemis together on the same table"
"Oof... yea I'm intrigued now"

"So, I sent him to go diving in the lake."

"You did say something about a lake, but I didn't get it"
"Well, I hope my plan worked because I had told destiny earlier that I saw a giant snake there. So..."
She paused, leading me to finish her sentence
"-So they would inevitably cross paths"
I was impressed, bewildered even. I could only hope it went well.

"Shoot! What time is it?"
I asked

"It's still really early"
Her arms wrapped around my waist, "Too early for you to tense up"

Her fingertips smoothly moved up my shoulders as to message me, how could anyone of sense oppose that?

"We're staying until we're summoned"
I bargained, quite contentedly

Celeste and I waited it out before leaving our room, luckily we haven't seen our usuals, it seemed every couple woke up late and missed the usual breakfast time. The giggles of the servants confirmed my theory; the flame effect played no games.

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