Wine Red

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Artemis's POV

Before going back to Earth

 Flashback of Mother's terms

"I love her and I want to rule beside her" I insisted, looking away from her

"Artemis I cannot allow a wedding to happen out of nowhere and to a human nonetheless."

Raising the palm of her hand in my face, her big golden Celestial crown reflected the light in the room, almost shining on its own

"Mother we've been over this, that's my soulmate, chosen to me by the universe itself." Projecting my arms forward in utter protest "You're not making sense"

I sighed in disbelief

"What will the rest of the rulers say? That a human is ruling them? Humans are unpredictable and irresponsible"

Slapping the back of her hand into the palm of the other

Sarcasm played at the corners of her lips, challenging me

"King Caspian married a human, she's now his queen Audra; Also soulmates."

"Audra is different. She was already a royal on her planet"

Distressed and faint، she held onto my red velvet chair releasing long breaths and doing the most to avoid my gaze

"So now you stopped believing in the universe? Queen Audra's bond is justified but when it's my turn to finally settle down it's a problem?! What's the reason for all this prejudice against Destiny anyway!"

"You don't get it, you haven't thought far..." 

"Mother make me understand. Please" Pleading, I Walked up to her Reaching her shoulder, and turning her entire body towards me

She Flinched at my touch & walked away dramatically displaying her heavy golden cape that drifted wind onto me upon moving.

Her hands landed on the top rail of my bed, flooding me with an explanatory vision

"Let me paint the picture, one day, when this life gets too much for Destiny she will leave you with no consideration or remorse. And no one will be there to pick you up but yourself, you already barely control your anger outbursts, if she were to run away like she has done once before, let's say that happens; you would cause lightning and thunder frequently on Earth due to you being an emotional wreck, since the issue might gravely affect Earth's climate, you then leave no choice for the celestial counsel but to dethrone you since you will then be perceived unfit as a ruler. "

Pausing to take a breath, she walked towards me to proceed, with excessive use of her hands 

"When you're crowned, you become the ultimate ruler. Without our bloodline, no one can take over instead or after you, thus the celestial counsel will shift the Milky Way into a grey hole thus destiny's world will cease to exist. Plain and simple, right? Well not really. There are consequences for your decision and billions of lives at stake. You must think further."


Anything but not a life without Destiny... My whole world fell apart at the mere thought

She's the reason I know what love feels like, a dream.

I walked away from her and stood in front of my balcony. Avoiding her gaze

"What do you want from me then? Tell me what you want and I'll do it"

A tear escaped my eye

"Have Destiny prove herself, if the situation requires; will she let you prioritize your reign or her?"

"All that for what? She's not what you think of her..."

"She ran away from you once, I didn't say much that day but you'd been too distraught to deal with me, never mind the celestial council  we had over that day."

She walked up to hug me from behind

"... my child, I simply do not want your heart to be broken nor the kingdom to fall into ruin."

She left soon afterwards

Going back and forth in my room, resting my arms on the velvet chair, surrendering to getting drunk out of my mind. I knew what I felt for Destiny was dangerous, what bothered me even more was the loophole my mother seemed to notice while I kept convincing myself wasn't there.

But Destiny wouldn't do that to me.

One drink after the other until It turned pitch black

Upon attempting to open my sealed-shut eyes, I was deeply challenged; it felt like the most difficult task in the world.

After a successful attempt, I was now able to open them, only to realize the angle I'd been viewing from was unfamiliar for a bit. yet as I regained consciousness, it came to light; that I was on the floor after a hefty argument with my mother.

I tossed and turned over to be on my back, gradually pulling myself up to be standing on my feet, the engraved marble left an art project on my face as the mirror showed...

My head was pounding intensely after the nastiest hangover, I've despised, above all to admit I was wrong, constantly feeding myself the illusions of living a love story while I wasn't certain if Destiny's feelings were existent, never mind candid.

To make matters worse I kept looking into the mirror, my reflection mocked me

Perhaps my feelings were a threat to my future, perhaps my mother simply preferred Celeste.

I didn't know how to meet Mother's terms, I could find a way to withhold emitting lightning once enraged. I'll master it one day but what of Destiny? How would that work...?

I'll just wash it off and go bring her from Earth...

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