Where we left off🔥🔥

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Destiny's pov

"Your tears seemed genuine back there..."

"Yea well, so were yours."
We smiled at each other in awkward silence until we heard the door close behind Cae.

"Are you feeling okay though?"
Pangs of guilt washed over me, I almost lost him today and that thought alone would have killed me.

"Yes my love, I feel perfectly fine."
His gaze inappropriately dropped to my breasts peeking out of my dress
I can't believe I'm still wearing this...
"Is there anything I can get you?"
"I got everything I need right here baby"
"Are you sure? What about some more pillows?"

He let out a somewhat evil laugh "Hmmm... pillows. Not a bad idea."

"I will go get you some-"
Intercepting me with a kiss, I was pulled back roughly into bed.

"Not for that reason..."

I paused, meeting his eyes astray as I struggled to compose myself.
"Oh, Artemis..."

I looked away, receiving the hint
"I want you."

"Right now?"
As he tugged his nose behind my ear; nudging me gently, I felt him taking in my scent.
"Do you want me?"

"Yes, I do. Are you sure you're okay in that regard?"

he nodded against my neck, his lips tracing my collarbone
"Absolutely. Now, why don't outrun me to the library? I'll give you a head start..."

"Um, why the library... in particular?"
I traced letters across his muscular tatted forearm, trying my best to keep up the eye contact

"It's the place I've always fantasized about taking you there and then..."
He whispered, letting out an evil laugh as his route of kisses got lower

"T-tell me... what you'd fantasize about doing to me..."
Pulling back to meet my gaze, his hands dropped to my waist as mine traveled up his shoulders, the 2 of us on our sides, curled up sensually together.

"Oh, pretty girl wants to play with her time left...I see"

Taking in a long breath that inflated his shoulders as he now hovered over me
"You'd really like to know?"


"Do you remember,"
He dipped his head underneath my chin
" that day I first came here? When you had on that purple dress, and I could feel your eyes on me..."
Hie hands caressed my exposed skin and hair, in a gentle sense that concealed an awful lot of tension waiting to be unleashed
"...those brown eyes the color of late autumn..."

I whimpered, avoiding his gaze as his touch was magnifying on its own.

"The more I felt you hatred, the more you cursed my name to Afomia-"
I felt his hot breaths landing on me, as his lips almost fell down on mine

I chuckled, turning my cheek slightly in embarrassment and shielding my eyes from him
"Was it that obvious?"

"Yes princess, very much. And I ate every bit of that moment,"
Grabbing both of my hands and entangling them together with a single grip over my head, I found myself helpless beneath him

"...imagining how I'd shove all those books away, tear all those layers between us, bend you over that long table and show you who you belong to in front of everyone"

"Oh... what else..?"
I pleaded as my eyes watered, I was running out of words to keep this conversation going but I didn't want him to stop
"The day you came looking for me with that slit night gown, your locks loosely spread across your shoulders, holding up the candelabra..."
"And those slow steps you took all the way to your bed..."
"I promised myself to make you regret those..."
Leaning against my neck , he nibbled his threat through my ear; costing me the battle.

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