After Earth

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Destiny's pov

I was sound asleep before I woke up to a mix of random kitchen sounds; utensils clacking and jars opening, like any other day when Afomia would usually wake up craving cherry-flavored jam and sing her early 200s pop songs loud. I'm just thankful she was not in the mood for rock

Considering I'm a heavy sleeper, that's one of her ways to wake me up. But my senses were revived with the familiar smell of freshly ground coffee, for a moment nothing could beat that serenity.

I slept soundly for a good hour after that before I fell into a dream.

A distant conversation echoed in my confused little girl head

"Oh come on no way!"

"I wish I were kidding; mother loves watching the Kardashians."

"What about you? Any earthly preferences?"

"Oh other than your roommate? It keeps changing with time but nowadays I like watching shows about high societies, it's not so different than our lives up there you know? Occasionally law and crime mysteries. But in my teenage rebel years, twilight and a lot of anime"

"I definitely will rest assured now that another fellow anime fan is dating Destiny"

This cannot be a dream...

The time on my phone read 8:00 a.m, gosh! it was a freaking weekend can't a redhead just sleep in?

It is too damn early for this shit

I pulled my sleeping mask over my eyes again but now I'm hearing laughter.

Afomia:" I love reading the forced marriage trope"

"Girl, I almost lived one, it's no joke"

Well, I can't go back to sleep now, who is this person Afomia was talking to this enthusiastically?

"Afomia I'm trying to sleep!" I yelled from my room

"We have company"

She yelled back in a teasing tone

What if Artemis was back for me?!

I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen overwhelmed with excitement, and banting and here he was, leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand, as soon as our eyes met, he raised her eyebrows and put his cup down, scanning me up and down, mischief playing at the corners of his lips at the sight of me in something short, her eyes darted to my thighs so naturally I started pulling down my shorts. Must he always undress me with his eyes? That look was so intense, I genuinely felt naked

I wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and cause a mess in the kitchen but now I felt nailed to the floor with embarrassment

"Good morning freckles, don't I get a welcome back kiss?"

"Don't even think about it" I teased without breaking the eye contact "

You're too cruel Des..." As he proceeds to act stabbed

I couldn't hold back my laughter

Afomia: "Aww you two are so cute, I totally ship by the way. Can you believe he watched anime?"

Artemis: "Not to brag but I didn't need subtitles. We're required to learn all earth languages "

Afomia: "Ugh, I'm so jealous "

Oh, so I wasn't dreaming...

Artemis walked towards me and whispered sensually into my ear

"I've missed you, come back with me..."

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