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Celeste's pov

After a heavy tea session with Audra and Afomia and an even heavier lunch with everyone else, I had so much to tell Caelum, only he wouldn't look me in the eyes. Just a dry forced smile and a forward absent gaze.

"How was the meeting?"

I asked as I placed the towel on my lap

"It was... fine."

The sound of all the utensils clacking  against the plates dominated the atmosphere, surely I couldn't ask more at the moment but she didn't even pay me or my new dress any mind. It wasn't about the dress or the attention, the simple fact was; it was unusual for her not to notice.

"Is everything okay?"

Placing my knife and fork down to pat her shoulder


Cae barely allowed me to touch him, I was beginning to wonder what it was I had done. So I nudged Artemis from behind caelum's back

"Cae, why aren't you eating?"

Artemis wiped his mouth with the napkin after an immediate response

"Guys please stop drawing attention to me."
Caelum muttered from under his breath as his hands were slightly shaking.

I was between respecting his wishes or prioritizing his wellbeing. So I took matters into my own hands.

Gently yet forcefully, I took her utensils away and cut his food myself, feeding it to him in slow motion. His grey eyes met mine as I spotted a tear forming in her eye.

"T-Thank you"
His words left his lips in a faint whisper.

I'm sure I caugh Destiny smirking at me, only I had no intentions of scattering my attention away from my poor boyfriend. Not until I made sure he was okay.

After lunch, I joined the group at the library today, as Caelum besides me was focused with all his might and I couldn't ,for the life of me, read a single line without growing dizzy, so naturally; it was time to observe the dynamic.

And right across from one another; our future king and queen, sneaking looks when the other isn't looking and getting caught but a few times.

Another Asute observation of mine was whatever Destiny had going on with Asher earlier , it didn't seem genuine at all. He seemed to be nothing more than a supportive friend.

Only Artemis could only look away with pursed lips, and act distracted. Clearly because he's been reading a picture for about a good hour and it was far from illustrative.

"Why are we here again?"
I inquired

"We're masking the whole we have Demetri in the cell by pretending to go on about our daily routine."

"This is fun babe"
I smiled back at Cae


"Ugh, Asher is the wrong competition. I swear if only Artemis realizes Destiny hates the librarian; that would be much more fun to watch"

Caelum nodded, dropping his pen and getting into my ear
"Clever girl,

A subtle laugh escaped his lips, the warm air tickled the labyrinths of my inner ear

"You got this figured out faster than they did. I'm proud someone actually uses their brains around here."
His compliment alivenend a long lost sensation within my being

I whispered
"Let's get out of here"

My hand caressed his gently, he was quick to get back to work, untangling from my hand and shifting his gaze back into the book.

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