Wakanda forever

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Afomia's pov

(Hours before disaster struck)

"Girls, I'll take one question at a time. Wakanda is a nation, but in my belief?"

I lowered my posture to whisper

"It's real and beyond earth. The government has a lot of secrets but not for long"

One princess asked "who's the government?"

I jumped back and out of the circle, taking a few steps back and pointing at her with my index finger

"Oh nice try, they're everywhere."
A loud whisper escaped me

"You could be one of them and therefore I shan't reveal another theory."

The princess threw looks of confusion and gave up soon after.

Another princess asked
"I got one! Who are the kardashians?"
Holding my stomach, I couldn't hold myself back from a wave of laughter that completely took over me.

Demetri side glanced at the princess before shifting his gaze back to me

Slyly he lowered his glasses to the tip of his nose to be exposing something I may have missed in the midst of this all.

"Your highness,"
Demetri looked her up and down with a judging eye, clearing his throat

"-it would be no use to try and impress Prince Artemis by asking about the queen's favorite earth show anytime soon"

The princess's eyes shifted from everyone's gaze to the shiny marble floor as she ran away in a haste utterly embarrassed, holding her long green gown fairytale style with one hand and whipping tears with the other

I paused for a recap, every pair of eyes was fixated upon me, waiting impatiently for an answer...

True intentions behind those questions just came to light ; they're into Artemis. Have been all along

He pretty much owns a fan club that he may be unaware of

And here I was , naive to think they thought I was interesting. I am funny though, no one can change my mind.

"You guys, this is entirely my fault. I've hyped up my planet too much"
I prepared to retreat when I felt a hand pull me entirety from this crowd; my grandmother.

"Gammy! I was in the middle of something here!"

I protested as I let go of her hand

"Destiny's is unwell. We must head back to Earth immediately..." I could hear the seriousness in her tone

My eyebrow just went up in response, what might've happened so soon to change the course of tonight?

Left in a haze , I could only think of one person who wouldn't like this sudden escape...

"Shouldn't Artemis be informed?"

I Whispered into my grandmother's ear, as we headed towards Destiny in the balcony.

"I've taken measures now. Just come Afomia, before people notice and start asking unnecessary questions."

She insisted, using her stern black grandmother tone. It was useless to resist and I was helpless in light of these events.

Well it became abundantly clear when I saw a wreck of a person, who was supposed to have gotten engaged tonight, at my and her predictions, at the verge of a falling apart.

It pained me to leave such a magical place behind this soon, but Destiny's state was something else. The urge to fight someone took over, I just didn't know who yet, or when for that matter.

Grandma transported us back to earth, insisting on my silence, all the way back I couldn't take my eyes off Destiny, she was staring into space, unresponsive and silently tearing up, one eye at a time before her tears welled up and tiny wails escaped her.

As our feet at last met the sound ground on earth, right at our apartment's door, I dared to speak

"Destiny What-"
Reaching for her shoulder

Destiny ran to her room faster than a light breeze, slamming the door shut behind her, causing the wall to shake and a painting to fall in response to the loud thud.

More bob the building work for Afomia.

I turned to my grandma who in return had growing concern in her eyes, my question never left my lips but I was certain she could see it, waiting for an escape, to be heard

Grandma walked over to the painting and hung it back on the wall. Before any words even left my lips, I received my answer
"She saw Artemis cheating on her."

"That bit- I mean... jerk! Unbelievable! Artemis hasn't seen the last of me, I'll tell you that"
I banged the wall with my closed fist

Shushing me, she then took a deep long breath full of concern.
"Quiet Afomia, please. This is not the time for this"

"Gammy I can't believe you didn't tell me this when we were still there! "

Agitated, my mind could think of nothing but to pace around the room, punching the air.
I couldnt make sense of it, everything seemed wrong with the world. My intuition was wrong, and it cost my best friend her second chance at love.

Walking towards me, grandma gave me a serious look, holding onto my shoulders
"It's more complicated than that, it's dangerous ..."


"Soulmates aren't supposed to be apart once they've met"

"What might happen then?"

"That's the thing child, I cannot be certain; it's rather unpredictable..."

Grandma left soon after to get something, leaving me in absolute confusion. (Was it an old people thing to be so... mysterious?) anyways, she urged me to take care of Destiny until she came back from a quick errand.

I ran to Destiny's room, knocking softly
"Go away! I dont want to see anyone!"

I forced my presence in there, she did not want me; but she needed me. And I was not going anywhere until she was better.

I wrapped my arms around her, she pushed me away at first before surrendering herself to my embrace.

Destiny cried herself to sleep that night, all night. After a long struggle with screaming and crying, her body just surrendered to the darkness of the night.

After she fell asleep, i went in and out to check on her and she was still in the gown from the ball... And she developed a fever.

The room was remarkably gloomy, my defective bestie looked dreadful. Is it possible for a room to be dominated by sorrow?

"She has a fever, Gammy"
I opened the door, letting in my grandmother

"Let's see what we can do about it."
She said, taking off her coat and throwing it at me

2 things fade away naturally in women at her age; collagen and giving a fuck about general manners.

Grandma and I sat besides her all night with ice packs and an antipyretic but nothing helped. If anything we felt our health was declining by the minute alongside destiny's.

None of grandma's potions helped either... "What about a hospital? Her temperature is still very high!"
I suggested

"No Afomia, this is beyond humans..."

"We can't just sit there and do nothing!"
A tear escaped me amid a cracked voice

"For now, we wait."

Left in a brooding state, I did nothing but pace around the house and planned threats I'd make to Artemis once I saw him.
Grandma went to bed, almost too confident that everything would be resolved by morning.

Unable to preceive what witch-molly she was on, I wished her good night.

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